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    Simulating discrimination in virtual reality

    Have you ever been advised to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes?” Considering another person’s perspective can be a challenging endeavor — but recognizing our errors and biases is key to building understanding across communities. By challenging our preconceptions, we confront prejudice, such as racism and xenophobia, and potentially develop a more inclusive perspective about others.

    To assist with perspective-taking, MIT researchers have developed “On the Plane,” a virtual reality role-playing game (VR RPG) that simulates discrimination. In this case, the game portrays xenophobia directed against a Malaysian America woman, but the approach can be generalized. Situated on an airplane, players can take on the role of characters from different backgrounds, engaging in dialogue with others while making in-game choices to a series of prompts. In turn, players’ decisions control the outcome of a tense conversation between the characters about cultural differences.

    As a VR RPG, “On the Plane” encourages players to take on new roles that may be outside of their personal experiences in the first person, allowing them to confront in-group/out-group bias by incorporating new perspectives into their understanding of different cultures. Players engage with three characters: Sarah, a first-generation Muslim American of Malaysian ancestry who wears a hijab; Marianne, a white woman from the Midwest with little exposure to other cultures and customs; or a flight attendant. Sarah represents the out group, Marianne is a member of the in group, and the flight staffer is a bystander witnessing an exchange between the two passengers.“This project is part of our efforts to harness the power of virtual reality and artificial intelligence to address social ills, such as discrimination and xenophobia,” says Caglar Yildirim, an MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) research scientist who is a co-author and co-game designer on the project. “Through the exchange between the two passengers, players experience how one passenger’s xenophobia manifests itself and how it affects the other passenger. The simulation engages players in critical reflection and seeks to foster empathy for the passenger who was ‘othered’ due to her outfit being not so ‘prototypical’ of what an American should look like.”

    Yildirim worked alongside the project’s principal investigator, D. Fox Harrell, MIT professor of digital media and AI at CSAIL, the Program in Comparative Media Studies/Writing (CMS), and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and founding director of the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality. “It is not possible for a simulation to give someone the life experiences of another person, but while you cannot ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’ in that sense, a system like this can help people recognize and understand the social patterns at work when it comes to issue like bias,” says Harrell, who is also co-author and designer on this project. “An engaging, immersive, interactive narrative can also impact people emotionally, opening the door for users’ perspectives to be transformed and broadened.” This simulation also utilizes an interactive narrative engine that creates several options for responses to in-game interactions based on a model of how people are categorized socially. The tool grants players a chance to alter their standing in the simulation through their reply choices to each prompt, affecting their affinity toward the other two characters. For example, if you play as the flight attendant, you can react to Marianne’s xenophobic expressions and attitudes toward Sarah, changing your affinities. The engine will then provide you with a different set of narrative events based on your changes in standing with others.

    To animate each avatar, “On the Plane” incorporates artificial intelligence knowledge representation techniques controlled by probabilistic finite state machines, a tool commonly used in machine learning systems for pattern recognition. With the help of these machines, characters’ body language and gestures are customizable: if you play as Marianne, the game will customize her mannerisms toward Sarah based on user inputs, impacting how comfortable she appears in front of a member of a perceived out group. Similarly, players can do the same from Sarah or the flight attendant’s point of view.In a 2018 paper based on work done in a collaboration between MIT CSAIL and the Qatar Computing Research Institute, Harrell and co-author Sercan Şengün advocated for virtual system designers to be more inclusive of Middle Eastern identities and customs. They claimed that if designers allowed users to customize virtual avatars more representative of their background, it might empower players to engage in a more supportive experience. Four years later, “On the Plane” accomplishes a similar goal, incorporating a Muslim’s perspective into an immersive environment.

    “Many virtual identity systems, such as avatars, accounts, profiles, and player characters, are not designed to serve the needs of people across diverse cultures. We have used statistical and AI methods in conjunction with qualitative approaches to learn where the gaps are,” they note. “Our project helps engender perspective transformation so that people will treat each other with respect and enhanced understanding across diverse cultural avatar representations.”

    Harrell and Yildirim’s work is part of the MIT IDSS’s Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism (ICSR). Harrell is on the initiative’s steering committee and is the leader of the newly forming Antiracism, Games, and Immersive Media vertical, who study behavior, cognition, social phenomena, and computational systems related to race and racism in video games and immersive experiences.

    The researchers’ latest project is part of the ICSR’s broader goal to launch and coordinate cross-disciplinary research that addresses racially discriminatory processes across American institutions. Using big data, members of the research initiative develop and employ computing tools that drive racial equity. Yildirim and Harrell accomplish this goal by depicting a frequent, problematic scenario that illustrates how bias creeps into our everyday lives.“In a post-9/11 world, Muslims often experience ethnic profiling in American airports. ‘On the Plane’ builds off of that type of in-group favoritism, a well-established finding in psychology,” says MIT Professor Fotini Christia, director of the Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) and associate director or IDSS. “This game also takes a novel approach to analyzing hardwired bias by utilizing VR instead of field experiments to simulate prejudice. Excitingly, this research demonstrates that VR can be used as a tool to help us better measure bias, combating systemic racism and other forms of discrimination.”“On the Plane” was developed on the Unity game engine using the XR Interaction Toolkit and Harrell’s Chimeria platform for authoring interactive narratives that involve social categorization. The game will be deployed for research studies later this year on both desktop computers and the standalone, wireless Meta Quest headsets. A paper on the work was presented in December at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. More

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    Subtle biases in AI can influence emergency decisions

    It’s no secret that people harbor biases — some unconscious, perhaps, and others painfully overt. The average person might suppose that computers — machines typically made of plastic, steel, glass, silicon, and various metals — are free of prejudice. While that assumption may hold for computer hardware, the same is not always true for computer software, which is programmed by fallible humans and can be fed data that is, itself, compromised in certain respects.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems — those based on machine learning, in particular — are seeing increased use in medicine for diagnosing specific diseases, for example, or evaluating X-rays. These systems are also being relied on to support decision-making in other areas of health care. Recent research has shown, however, that machine learning models can encode biases against minority subgroups, and the recommendations they make may consequently reflect those same biases.

    A new study by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and the MIT Jameel Clinic, which was published last month in Communications Medicine, assesses the impact that discriminatory AI models can have, especially for systems that are intended to provide advice in urgent situations. “We found that the manner in which the advice is framed can have significant repercussions,” explains the paper’s lead author, Hammaad Adam, a PhD student at MIT’s Institute for Data Systems and Society. “Fortunately, the harm caused by biased models can be limited (though not necessarily eliminated) when the advice is presented in a different way.” The other co-authors of the paper are Aparna Balagopalan and Emily Alsentzer, both PhD students, and the professors Fotini Christia and Marzyeh Ghassemi.

    AI models used in medicine can suffer from inaccuracies and inconsistencies, in part because the data used to train the models are often not representative of real-world settings. Different kinds of X-ray machines, for instance, can record things differently and hence yield different results. Models trained predominately on white people, moreover, may not be as accurate when applied to other groups. The Communications Medicine paper is not focused on issues of that sort but instead addresses problems that stem from biases and on ways to mitigate the adverse consequences.

    A group of 954 people (438 clinicians and 516 nonexperts) took part in an experiment to see how AI biases can affect decision-making. The participants were presented with call summaries from a fictitious crisis hotline, each involving a male individual undergoing a mental health emergency. The summaries contained information as to whether the individual was Caucasian or African American and would also mention his religion if he happened to be Muslim. A typical call summary might describe a circumstance in which an African American man was found at home in a delirious state, indicating that “he has not consumed any drugs or alcohol, as he is a practicing Muslim.” Study participants were instructed to call the police if they thought the patient was likely to turn violent; otherwise, they were encouraged to seek medical help.

    The participants were randomly divided into a control or “baseline” group plus four other groups designed to test responses under slightly different conditions. “We want to understand how biased models can influence decisions, but we first need to understand how human biases can affect the decision-making process,” Adam notes. What they found in their analysis of the baseline group was rather surprising: “In the setting we considered, human participants did not exhibit any biases. That doesn’t mean that humans are not biased, but the way we conveyed information about a person’s race and religion, evidently, was not strong enough to elicit their biases.”

    The other four groups in the experiment were given advice that either came from a biased or unbiased model, and that advice was presented in either a “prescriptive” or a “descriptive” form. A biased model would be more likely to recommend police help in a situation involving an African American or Muslim person than would an unbiased model. Participants in the study, however, did not know which kind of model their advice came from, or even that models delivering the advice could be biased at all. Prescriptive advice spells out what a participant should do in unambiguous terms, telling them they should call the police in one instance or seek medical help in another. Descriptive advice is less direct: A flag is displayed to show that the AI system perceives a risk of violence associated with a particular call; no flag is shown if the threat of violence is deemed small.  

    A key takeaway of the experiment is that participants “were highly influenced by prescriptive recommendations from a biased AI system,” the authors wrote. But they also found that “using descriptive rather than prescriptive recommendations allowed participants to retain their original, unbiased decision-making.” In other words, the bias incorporated within an AI model can be diminished by appropriately framing the advice that’s rendered. Why the different outcomes, depending on how advice is posed? When someone is told to do something, like call the police, that leaves little room for doubt, Adam explains. However, when the situation is merely described — classified with or without the presence of a flag — “that leaves room for a participant’s own interpretation; it allows them to be more flexible and consider the situation for themselves.”

    Second, the researchers found that the language models that are typically used to offer advice are easy to bias. Language models represent a class of machine learning systems that are trained on text, such as the entire contents of Wikipedia and other web material. When these models are “fine-tuned” by relying on a much smaller subset of data for training purposes — just 2,000 sentences, as opposed to 8 million web pages — the resultant models can be readily biased.  

    Third, the MIT team discovered that decision-makers who are themselves unbiased can still be misled by the recommendations provided by biased models. Medical training (or the lack thereof) did not change responses in a discernible way. “Clinicians were influenced by biased models as much as non-experts were,” the authors stated.

    “These findings could be applicable to other settings,” Adam says, and are not necessarily restricted to health care situations. When it comes to deciding which people should receive a job interview, a biased model could be more likely to turn down Black applicants. The results could be different, however, if instead of explicitly (and prescriptively) telling an employer to “reject this applicant,” a descriptive flag is attached to the file to indicate the applicant’s “possible lack of experience.”

    The implications of this work are broader than just figuring out how to deal with individuals in the midst of mental health crises, Adam maintains.  “Our ultimate goal is to make sure that machine learning models are used in a fair, safe, and robust way.” More

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    A faster way to preserve privacy online

    Searching the internet can reveal information a user would rather keep private. For instance, when someone looks up medical symptoms online, they could reveal their health conditions to Google, an online medical database like WebMD, and perhaps hundreds of these companies’ advertisers and business partners.

    For decades, researchers have been crafting techniques that enable users to search for and retrieve information from a database privately, but these methods remain too slow to be effectively used in practice.

    MIT researchers have now developed a scheme for private information retrieval that is about 30 times faster than other comparable methods. Their technique enables a user to search an online database without revealing their query to the server. Moreover, it is driven by a simple algorithm that would be easier to implement than the more complicated approaches from previous work.

    Their technique could enable private communication by preventing a messaging app from knowing what users are saying or who they are talking to. It could also be used to fetch relevant online ads without advertising servers learning a users’ interests.

    “This work is really about giving users back some control over their own data. In the long run, we’d like browsing the web to be as private as browsing a library. This work doesn’t achieve that yet, but it starts building the tools to let us do this sort of thing quickly and efficiently in practice,” says Alexandra Henzinger, a computer science graduate student and lead author of a paper introducing the technique.

    Co-authors include Matthew Hong, an MIT computer science graduate student; Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, the Douglas Ross Career Development Professor of Software Technology in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); Sarah Meiklejohn, a professor in cryptography and security at University College London and a staff research scientist at Google; and senior author Vinod Vaikuntanathan, an EECS professor and principal investigator in CSAIL. The research will be presented at the 2023 USENIX Security Symposium. 

    Preserving privacy

    The first schemes for private information retrieval were developed in the 1990s, partly by researchers at MIT. These techniques enable a user to communicate with a remote server that holds a database, and read records from that database without the server knowing what the user is reading.

    To preserve privacy, these techniques force the server to touch every single item in the database, so it can’t tell which entry a user is searching for. If one area is left untouched, the server would learn that the client is not interested in that item. But touching every item when there may be millions of database entries slows down the query process.

    To speed things up, the MIT researchers developed a protocol, known as Simple PIR, in which the server performs much of the underlying cryptographic work in advance, before a client even sends a query. This preprocessing step produces a data structure that holds compressed information about the database contents, and which the client downloads before sending a query.

    In a sense, this data structure is like a hint for the client about what is in the database.

    “Once the client has this hint, it can make an unbounded number of queries, and these queries are going to be much smaller in both the size of the messages you are sending and the work that you need the server to do. This is what makes Simple PIR so much faster,” Henzinger explains.

    But the hint can be relatively large in size. For example, to query a 1-gigabyte database, the client would need to download a 124-megabyte hint. This drives up communication costs, which could make the technique difficult to implement on real-world devices.

    To reduce the size of the hint, the researchers developed a second technique, known as Double PIR, that basically involves running the Simple PIR scheme twice. This produces a much more compact hint that is fixed in size for any database.

    Using Double PIR, the hint for a 1 gigabyte database would only be 16 megabytes.

    “Our Double PIR scheme runs a little bit slower, but it will have much lower communication costs. For some applications, this is going to be a desirable tradeoff,” Henzinger says.

    Hitting the speed limit

    They tested the Simple PIR and Double PIR schemes by applying them to a task in which a client seeks to audit a specific piece of information about a website to ensure that website is safe to visit. To preserve privacy, the client cannot reveal the website it is auditing.

    The researchers’ fastest technique was able to successfully preserve privacy while running at about 10 gigabytes per second. Previous schemes could only achieve a throughput of about 300 megabytes per second.

    They show that their method approaches the theoretical speed limit for private information retrieval — it is nearly the fastest possible scheme one can build in which the server touches every record in the database, adds Corrigan-Gibbs.

    In addition, their method only requires a single server, making it much simpler than many top-performing techniques that require two separate servers with identical databases. Their method outperformed these more complex protocols.

    “I’ve been thinking about these schemes for some time, and I never thought this could be possible at this speed. The folklore was that any single-server scheme is going to be really slow. This work turns that whole notion on its head,” Corrigan-Gibbs says.

    While the researchers have shown that they can make PIR schemes much faster, there is still work to do before they would be able to deploy their techniques in real-world scenarios, says Henzinger. They would like to cut the communication costs of their schemes while still enabling them to achieve high speeds. In addition, they want to adapt their techniques to handle more complex queries, such as general SQL queries, and more demanding applications, such as a general Wikipedia search. And in the long run, they hope to develop better techniques that can preserve privacy without requiring a server to touch every database item. 

    “I’ve heard people emphatically claiming that PIR will never be practical. But I would never bet against technology. That is an optimistic lesson to learn from this work. There are always ways to innovate,” Vaikuntanathan says.

    “This work makes a major improvement to the practical cost of private information retrieval. While it was known that low-bandwidth PIR schemes imply public-key cryptography, which is typically orders of magnitude slower than private-key cryptography, this work develops an ingenious method to bridge the gap. This is done by making a clever use of special properties of a public-key encryption scheme due to Regev to push the vast majority of the computational work to a precomputation step, in which the server computes a short ‘hint’ about the database,” says Yuval Ishai, a professor of computer science at Technion (the Israel Institute of Technology), who was not involved in the study. “What makes their approach particularly appealing is that the same hint can be used an unlimited number of times, by any number of clients. This renders the (moderate) cost of computing the hint insignificant in a typical scenario where the same database is accessed many times.”

    This work is funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation, Google, Facebook, MIT’s Fintech@CSAIL Initiative, an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, an EECS Great Educators Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Analog Devices, Microsoft, and a Thornton Family Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship. More

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    Busy GPUs: Sampling and pipelining method speeds up deep learning on large graphs

    Graphs, a potentially extensive web of nodes connected by edges, can be used to express and interrogate relationships between data, like social connections, financial transactions, traffic, energy grids, and molecular interactions. As researchers collect more data and build out these graphical pictures, researchers will need faster and more efficient methods, as well as more computational power, to conduct deep learning on them, in the way of graph neural networks (GNN).  

    Now, a new method, called SALIENT (SAmpling, sLIcing, and data movemeNT), developed by researchers at MIT and IBM Research, improves the training and inference performance by addressing three key bottlenecks in computation. This dramatically cuts down on the runtime of GNNs on large datasets, which, for example, contain on the scale of 100 million nodes and 1 billion edges. Further, the team found that the technique scales well when computational power is added from one to 16 graphical processing units (GPUs). The work was presented at the Fifth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems.

    “We started to look at the challenges current systems experienced when scaling state-of-the-art machine learning techniques for graphs to really big datasets. It turned out there was a lot of work to be done, because a lot of the existing systems were achieving good performance primarily on smaller datasets that fit into GPU memory,” says Tim Kaler, the lead author and a postdoc in the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

    By vast datasets, experts mean scales like the entire Bitcoin network, where certain patterns and data relationships could spell out trends or foul play. “There are nearly a billion Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain, and if we want to identify illicit activities inside such a joint network, then we are facing a graph of such a scale,” says co-author Jie Chen, senior research scientist and manager of IBM Research and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. “We want to build a system that is able to handle that kind of graph and allows processing to be as efficient as possible, because every day we want to keep up with the pace of the new data that are generated.”

    Kaler and Chen’s co-authors include Nickolas Stathas MEng ’21 of Jump Trading, who developed SALIENT as part of his graduate work; former MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab intern and MIT graduate student Anne Ouyang; MIT CSAIL postdoc Alexandros-Stavros Iliopoulos; MIT CSAIL Research Scientist Tao B. Schardl; and Charles E. Leiserson, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT and a researcher with the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab.     

    For this problem, the team took a systems-oriented approach in developing their method: SALIENT, says Kaler. To do this, the researchers implemented what they saw as important, basic optimizations of components that fit into existing machine-learning frameworks, such as PyTorch Geometric and the deep graph library (DGL), which are interfaces for building a machine-learning model. Stathas says the process is like swapping out engines to build a faster car. Their method was designed to fit into existing GNN architectures, so that domain experts could easily apply this work to their specified fields to expedite model training and tease out insights during inference faster. The trick, the team determined, was to keep all of the hardware (CPUs, data links, and GPUs) busy at all times: while the CPU samples the graph and prepares mini-batches of data that will then be transferred through the data link, the more critical GPU is working to train the machine-learning model or conduct inference. 

    The researchers began by analyzing the performance of a commonly used machine-learning library for GNNs (PyTorch Geometric), which showed a startlingly low utilization of available GPU resources. Applying simple optimizations, the researchers improved GPU utilization from 10 to 30 percent, resulting in a 1.4 to two times performance improvement relative to public benchmark codes. This fast baseline code could execute one complete pass over a large training dataset through the algorithm (an epoch) in 50.4 seconds.                          

    Seeking further performance improvements, the researchers set out to examine the bottlenecks that occur at the beginning of the data pipeline: the algorithms for graph sampling and mini-batch preparation. Unlike other neural networks, GNNs perform a neighborhood aggregation operation, which computes information about a node using information present in other nearby nodes in the graph — for example, in a social network graph, information from friends of friends of a user. As the number of layers in the GNN increase, the number of nodes the network has to reach out to for information can explode, exceeding the limits of a computer. Neighborhood sampling algorithms help by selecting a smaller random subset of nodes to gather; however, the researchers found that current implementations of this were too slow to keep up with the processing speed of modern GPUs. In response, they identified a mix of data structures, algorithmic optimizations, and so forth that improved sampling speed, ultimately improving the sampling operation alone by about three times, taking the per-epoch runtime from 50.4 to 34.6 seconds. They also found that sampling, at an appropriate rate, can be done during inference, improving overall energy efficiency and performance, a point that had been overlooked in the literature, the team notes.      

    In previous systems, this sampling step was a multi-process approach, creating extra data and unnecessary data movement between the processes. The researchers made their SALIENT method more nimble by creating a single process with lightweight threads that kept the data on the CPU in shared memory. Further, SALIENT takes advantage of a cache of modern processors, says Stathas, parallelizing feature slicing, which extracts relevant information from nodes of interest and their surrounding neighbors and edges, within the shared memory of the CPU core cache. This again reduced the overall per-epoch runtime from 34.6 to 27.8 seconds.

    The last bottleneck the researchers addressed was to pipeline mini-batch data transfers between the CPU and GPU using a prefetching step, which would prepare data just before it’s needed. The team calculated that this would maximize bandwidth usage in the data link and bring the method up to perfect utilization; however, they only saw around 90 percent. They identified and fixed a performance bug in a popular PyTorch library that caused unnecessary round-trip communications between the CPU and GPU. With this bug fixed, the team achieved a 16.5 second per-epoch runtime with SALIENT.

    “Our work showed, I think, that the devil is in the details,” says Kaler. “When you pay close attention to the details that impact performance when training a graph neural network, you can resolve a huge number of performance issues. With our solutions, we ended up being completely bottlenecked by GPU computation, which is the ideal goal of such a system.”

    SALIENT’s speed was evaluated on three standard datasets ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, and ogbn-papers100M, as well as in multi-machine settings, with different levels of fanout (amount of data that the CPU would prepare for the GPU), and across several architectures, including the most recent state-of-the-art one, GraphSAGE-RI. In each setting, SALIENT outperformed PyTorch Geometric, most notably on the large ogbn-papers100M dataset, containing 100 million nodes and over a billion edges Here, it was three times faster, running on one GPU, than the optimized baseline that was originally created for this work; with 16 GPUs, SALIENT was an additional eight times faster. 

    While other systems had slightly different hardware and experimental setups, so it wasn’t always a direct comparison, SALIENT still outperformed them. Among systems that achieved similar accuracy, representative performance numbers include 99 seconds using one GPU and 32 CPUs, and 13 seconds using 1,536 CPUs. In contrast, SALIENT’s runtime using one GPU and 20 CPUs was 16.5 seconds and was just two seconds with 16 GPUs and 320 CPUs. “If you look at the bottom-line numbers that prior work reports, our 16 GPU runtime (two seconds) is an order of magnitude faster than other numbers that have been reported previously on this dataset,” says Kaler. The researchers attributed their performance improvements, in part, to their approach of optimizing their code for a single machine before moving to the distributed setting. Stathas says that the lesson here is that for your money, “it makes more sense to use the hardware you have efficiently, and to its extreme, before you start scaling up to multiple computers,” which can provide significant savings on cost and carbon emissions that can come with model training.

    This new capacity will now allow researchers to tackle and dig deeper into bigger and bigger graphs. For example, the Bitcoin network that was mentioned earlier contained 100,000 nodes; the SALIENT system can capably handle a graph 1,000 times (or three orders of magnitude) larger.

    “In the future, we would be looking at not just running this graph neural network training system on the existing algorithms that we implemented for classifying or predicting the properties of each node, but we also want to do more in-depth tasks, such as identifying common patterns in a graph (subgraph patterns), [which] may be actually interesting for indicating financial crimes,” says Chen. “We also want to identify nodes in a graph that are similar in a sense that they possibly would be corresponding to the same bad actor in a financial crime. These tasks would require developing additional algorithms, and possibly also neural network architectures.”

    This research was supported by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and in part by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and the U.S. Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator. More

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    A far-sighted approach to machine learning

    Picture two teams squaring off on a football field. The players can cooperate to achieve an objective, and compete against other players with conflicting interests. That’s how the game works.

    Creating artificial intelligence agents that can learn to compete and cooperate as effectively as humans remains a thorny problem. A key challenge is enabling AI agents to anticipate future behaviors of other agents when they are all learning simultaneously.

    Because of the complexity of this problem, current approaches tend to be myopic; the agents can only guess the next few moves of their teammates or competitors, which leads to poor performance in the long run. 

    Researchers from MIT, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, and elsewhere have developed a new approach that gives AI agents a farsighted perspective. Their machine-learning framework enables cooperative or competitive AI agents to consider what other agents will do as time approaches infinity, not just over a few next steps. The agents then adapt their behaviors accordingly to influence other agents’ future behaviors and arrive at an optimal, long-term solution.

    This framework could be used by a group of autonomous drones working together to find a lost hiker in a thick forest, or by self-driving cars that strive to keep passengers safe by anticipating future moves of other vehicles driving on a busy highway.

    “When AI agents are cooperating or competing, what matters most is when their behaviors converge at some point in the future. There are a lot of transient behaviors along the way that don’t matter very much in the long run. Reaching this converged behavior is what we really care about, and we now have a mathematical way to enable that,” says Dong-Ki Kim, a graduate student in the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) and lead author of a paper describing this framework.

    The senior author is Jonathan P. How, the Richard C. Maclaurin Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. Co-authors include others at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research, Mila-Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, and Oxford University. The research will be presented at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.

    Play video

    In this demo video, the red robot, which has been trained using the researchers’ machine-learning system, is able to defeat the green robot by learning more effective behaviors that take advantage of the constantly changing strategy of its opponent.

    More agents, more problems

    The researchers focused on a problem known as multiagent reinforcement learning. Reinforcement learning is a form of machine learning in which an AI agent learns by trial and error. Researchers give the agent a reward for “good” behaviors that help it achieve a goal. The agent adapts its behavior to maximize that reward until it eventually becomes an expert at a task.

    But when many cooperative or competing agents are simultaneously learning, things become increasingly complex. As agents consider more future steps of their fellow agents, and how their own behavior influences others, the problem soon requires far too much computational power to solve efficiently. This is why other approaches only focus on the short term.

    “The AIs really want to think about the end of the game, but they don’t know when the game will end. They need to think about how to keep adapting their behavior into infinity so they can win at some far time in the future. Our paper essentially proposes a new objective that enables an AI to think about infinity,” says Kim.

    But since it is impossible to plug infinity into an algorithm, the researchers designed their system so agents focus on a future point where their behavior will converge with that of other agents, known as equilibrium. An equilibrium point determines the long-term performance of agents, and multiple equilibria can exist in a multiagent scenario. Therefore, an effective agent actively influences the future behaviors of other agents in such a way that they reach a desirable equilibrium from the agent’s perspective. If all agents influence each other, they converge to a general concept that the researchers call an “active equilibrium.”

    The machine-learning framework they developed, known as FURTHER (which stands for FUlly Reinforcing acTive influence witH averagE Reward), enables agents to learn how to adapt their behaviors as they interact with other agents to achieve this active equilibrium.

    FURTHER does this using two machine-learning modules. The first, an inference module, enables an agent to guess the future behaviors of other agents and the learning algorithms they use, based solely on their prior actions.

    This information is fed into the reinforcement learning module, which the agent uses to adapt its behavior and influence other agents in a way that maximizes its reward.

    “The challenge was thinking about infinity. We had to use a lot of different mathematical tools to enable that, and make some assumptions to get it to work in practice,” Kim says.

    Winning in the long run

    They tested their approach against other multiagent reinforcement learning frameworks in several different scenarios, including a pair of robots fighting sumo-style and a battle pitting two 25-agent teams against one another. In both instances, the AI agents using FURTHER won the games more often.

    Since their approach is decentralized, which means the agents learn to win the games independently, it is also more scalable than other methods that require a central computer to control the agents, Kim explains.

    The researchers used games to test their approach, but FURTHER could be used to tackle any kind of multiagent problem. For instance, it could be applied by economists seeking to develop sound policy in situations where many interacting entitles have behaviors and interests that change over time.

    Economics is one application Kim is particularly excited about studying. He also wants to dig deeper into the concept of an active equilibrium and continue enhancing the FURTHER framework.

    This research is funded, in part, by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. More

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    Investigating at the interface of data science and computing

    A visual model of Guy Bresler’s research would probably look something like a Venn diagram. He works at the four-way intersection where theoretical computer science, statistics, probability, and information theory collide.

    “There are always new things to do be done at the interface. There are always opportunities for entirely new questions to ask,” says Bresler, an associate professor who recently earned tenure in MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).

    A theoretician, he aims to understand the delicate interplay between structure in data, the complexity of models, and the amount of computation needed to learn those models. Recently, his biggest focus has been trying to unveil fundamental phenomena that are broadly responsible for determining the computational complexity of statistics problems — and finding the “sweet spot” where available data and computation resources enable researchers to effectively solve a problem.

    When trying to solve a complex statistics problem, there is often a tug-of-war between data and computation. Without enough data, the computation needed to solve a statistical problem can be intractable, or at least consume a staggering amount of resources. But get just enough data and suddenly the intractable becomes solvable; the amount of computation needed to come up with a solution drops dramatically.

    The majority of modern statistical problems exhibits this sort of trade-off between computation and data, with applications ranging from drug development to weather prediction. Another well-studied and practically important example is cryo-electron microscopy, Bresler says. With this technique, researchers use an electron microscope to take images of molecules in different orientations. The central challenge is how to solve the inverse problem — determining the molecule’s structure given the noisy data. Many statistical problems can be formulated as inverse problems of this sort.

    One aim of Bresler’s work is to elucidate relationships between the wide variety of different statistics problems currently being studied. The dream is to classify statistical problems into equivalence classes, as has been done for other types of computational problems in the field of computational complexity. Showing these sorts of relationships means that, instead of trying to understand each problem in isolation, researchers can transfer their understanding from a well-studied problem to a poorly understood one, he says.

    Adopting a theoretical approach

    For Bresler, a desire to theoretically understand various basic phenomena inspired him to follow a path into academia.

    Both of his parents worked as professors and showed how fulfilling academia can be, he says. His earliest introduction to the theoretical side of engineering came from his father, who is an electrical engineer and theoretician studying signal processing. Bresler was inspired by his work from an early age. As an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he bounced between physics, math, and computer science courses. But no matter the topic, he gravitated toward the theoretical viewpoint.

    In graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley, Bresler enjoyed the opportunity to work in a wide variety of topics spanning probability, theoretical computer science, and mathematics. His driving motivator was a love of learning new things.

    “Working at the interface of multiple fields with new questions, there is a feeling that one had better learn as much as possible if one is to have any chance of finding the right tools to answer those questions,” he says.

    That curiosity led him to MIT for a postdoc in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) in 2013, and then he joined the faculty two years later as an assistant professor in EECS. He was named an associate professor in 2019.

    Bresler says he was drawn to the intellectual atmosphere at MIT, as well as the supportive environment for launching bold research quests and trying to make progress in new areas of study.

    Opportunities for collaboration

    “What really struck me was how vibrant and energetic and collaborative MIT is. I have this mental list of more than 20 people here who I would love to have lunch with every single week and collaborate with on research. So just based on sheer numbers, joining MIT was a clear win,” he says.

    He’s especially enjoyed collaborating with his students, who continually teach him new things and ask deep questions that drive exciting research projects. One such student, Matthew Brennan, who was one of Bresler’s closest collaborators, tragically and unexpectedly passed away in January, 2021.

    The shock from Brennan’s death is still raw for Bresler, and it derailed his research for a time.

    “Beyond his own prodigious capabilities and creativity, he had this amazing ability to listen to an idea of mine that was almost completely wrong, extract from it a useful piece, and then pass the ball back,” he says. “We had the same vision for what we wanted to achieve in the work, and we were driven to try to tell a certain story. At the time, almost nobody was pursuing this particular line of work, and it was in a way kind of lonely. But he trusted me, and we encouraged one another to keep at it when things seemed bleak.”

    Those lessons in perseverance fuel Bresler as he and his students continue exploring questions that, by their nature, are difficult to answer.

    One area he’s worked in on-and-off for over a decade involves learning graphical models from data. Models of certain types of data, such as time-series data consisting of temperature readings, are often constructed by domain experts who have relevant knowledge and can build a reasonable model, he explains.

    But for many types of data with complex dependencies, such as social network or biological data, it is not at all clear what structure a model should take. Bresler’s work seeks to estimate a structured model from data, which could then be used for downstream applications like making recommendations or better predicting the weather.

    The basic question of identifying good models, whether algorithmically in a complex setting or analytically, by specifying a useful toy model for theoretical analysis, connects the abstract work with engineering practice, he says.

    “In general, modeling is an art. Real life is complicated and if you write down some super-complicated model that tries to capture every feature of a problem, it is doomed,” says Bresler. “You have to think about the problem and understand the practical side of things on some level to identify the correct features of the problem to be modeled, so that you can hope to actually solve it and gain insight into what one should do in practice.”

    Outside the lab, Bresler often finds himself solving very different kinds of problems. He is an avid rock climber and spends much of his free time bouldering throughout New England.

    “I really love it. It is a good excuse to get outside and get sucked into a whole different world. Even though there is problem solving involved, and there are similarities at the philosophical level, it is totally orthogonal to sitting down and doing math,” he says. More

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    Neurodegenerative disease can progress in newly identified patterns

    Neurodegenerative diseases — like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s — are complicated, chronic ailments that can present with a variety of symptoms, worsen at different rates, and have many underlying genetic and environmental causes, some of which are unknown. ALS, in particular, affects voluntary muscle movement and is always fatal, but while most people survive for only a few years after diagnosis, others live with the disease for decades. Manifestations of ALS can also vary significantly; often slower disease development correlates with onset in the limbs and affecting fine motor skills, while the more serious, bulbar ALS impacts swallowing, speaking, breathing, and mobility. Therefore, understanding the progression of diseases like ALS is critical to enrollment in clinical trials, analysis of potential interventions, and discovery of root causes.

    However, assessing disease evolution is far from straightforward. Current clinical studies typically assume that health declines on a downward linear trajectory on a symptom rating scale, and use these linear models to evaluate whether drugs are slowing disease progression. However, data indicate that ALS often follows nonlinear trajectories, with periods where symptoms are stable alternating with periods when they are rapidly changing. Since data can be sparse, and health assessments often rely on subjective rating metrics measured at uneven time intervals, comparisons across patient populations are difficult. These heterogenous data and progression, in turn, complicate analyses of invention effectiveness and potentially mask disease origin.

    Now, a new machine-learning method developed by researchers from MIT, IBM Research, and elsewhere aims to better characterize ALS disease progression patterns to inform clinical trial design.

    “There are groups of individuals that share progression patterns. For example, some seem to have really fast-progressing ALS and others that have slow-progressing ALS that varies over time,” says Divya Ramamoorthy PhD ’22, a research specialist at MIT and lead author of a new paper on the work that was published this month in Nature Computational Science. “The question we were asking is: can we use machine learning to identify if, and to what extent, those types of consistent patterns across individuals exist?”

    Their technique, indeed, identified discrete and robust clinical patterns in ALS progression, many of which are non-linear. Further, these disease progression subtypes were consistent across patient populations and disease metrics. The team additionally found that their method can be applied to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases as well.

    Joining Ramamoorthy on the paper are MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab members Ernest Fraenkel, a professor in the MIT Department of Biological Engineering; Research Scientist Soumya Ghosh of IBM Research; and Principal Research Scientist Kenney Ng, also of IBM Research. Additional authors include Kristen Severson PhD ’18, a senior researcher at Microsoft Research and former member of the Watson Lab and of IBM Research; Karen Sachs PhD ’06 of Next Generation Analytics; a team of researchers with Answer ALS; Jonathan D. Glass and Christina N. Fournier of the Emory University School of Medicine; the Pooled Resource Open-Access ALS Clinical Trials Consortium; ALS/MND Natural History Consortium; Todd M. Herrington of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School; and James D. Berry of MGH.

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    MIT Professor Ernest Fraenkel describes early stages of his research looking at root causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

    Reshaping health decline

    After consulting with clinicians, the team of machine learning researchers and neurologists let the data speak for itself. They designed an unsupervised machine-learning model that employed two methods: Gaussian process regression and Dirichlet process clustering. These inferred the health trajectories directly from patient data and automatically grouped similar trajectories together without prescribing the number of clusters or the shape of the curves, forming ALS progression “subtypes.” Their method incorporated prior clinical knowledge in the way of a bias for negative trajectories — consistent with expectations for neurodegenerative disease progressions — but did not assume any linearity. “We know that linearity is not reflective of what’s actually observed,” says Ng. “The methods and models that we use here were more flexible, in the sense that, they capture what was seen in the data,” without the need for expensive labeled data and prescription of parameters.

    Primarily, they applied the model to five longitudinal datasets from ALS clinical trials and observational studies. These used the gold standard to measure symptom development: the ALS functional rating scale revised (ALSFRS-R), which captures a global picture of patient neurological impairment but can be a bit of a “messy metric.” Additionally, performance on survivability probabilities, forced vital capacity (a measurement of respiratory function), and subscores of ALSFRS-R, which looks at individual bodily functions, were incorporated.

    New regimes of progression and utility

    When their population-level model was trained and tested on these metrics, four dominant patterns of disease popped out of the many trajectories — sigmoidal fast progression, stable slow progression, unstable slow progression, and unstable moderate progression — many with strong nonlinear characteristics. Notably, it captured trajectories where patients experienced a sudden loss of ability, called a functional cliff, which would significantly impact treatments, enrollment in clinical trials, and quality of life.

    The researchers compared their method against other commonly used linear and nonlinear approaches in the field to separate the contribution of clustering and linearity to the model’s accuracy. The new work outperformed them, even patient-specific models, and found that subtype patterns were consistent across measures. Impressively, when data were withheld, the model was able to interpolate missing values, and, critically, could forecast future health measures. The model could also be trained on one ALSFRS-R dataset and predict cluster membership in others, making it robust, generalizable, and accurate with scarce data. So long as 6-12 months of data were available, health trajectories could be inferred with higher confidence than conventional methods.

    The researchers’ approach also provided insights into Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, both of which can have a range of symptom presentations and progression. For Alzheimer’s, the new technique could identify distinct disease patterns, in particular variations in the rates of conversion of mild to severe disease. The Parkinson’s analysis demonstrated a relationship between progression trajectories for off-medication scores and disease phenotypes, such as the tremor-dominant or postural instability/gait difficulty forms of Parkinson’s disease.

    The work makes significant strides to find the signal amongst the noise in the time-series of complex neurodegenerative disease. “The patterns that we see are reproducible across studies, which I don’t believe had been shown before, and that may have implications for how we subtype the [ALS] disease,” says Fraenkel. As the FDA has been considering the impact of non-linearity in clinical trial designs, the team notes that their work is particularly pertinent.

    As new ways to understand disease mechanisms come online, this model provides another tool to pick apart illnesses like ALS, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s from a systems biology perspective.

    “We have a lot of molecular data from the same patients, and so our long-term goal is to see whether there are subtypes of the disease,” says Fraenkel, whose lab looks at cellular changes to understand the etiology of diseases and possible targets for cures. “One approach is to start with the symptoms … and see if people with different patterns of disease progression are also different at the molecular level. That might lead you to a therapy. Then there’s the bottom-up approach, where you start with the molecules” and try to reconstruct biological pathways that might be affected. “We’re going [to be tackling this] from both ends … and finding if something meets in the middle.”

    This research was supported, in part, by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Department of Veterans Affairs of Research and Development, the Department of Defense, NSF Gradate Research Fellowship Program, Siebel Scholars Fellowship, Answer ALS, the United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, National Institutes of Health, and the NIH/NINDS. More

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    New program to support translational research in AI, data science, and machine learning

    The MIT School of Engineering and Pillar VC today announced the MIT-Pillar AI Collective, a one-year pilot program funded by a gift from Pillar VC that will provide seed grants for projects in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science with the goal of supporting translational research. The program will support graduate students and postdocs through access to funding, mentorship, and customer discovery.

    Administered by the MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, the MIT-Pillar AI Collective will center on the market discovery process, advancing projects through market research, customer discovery, and prototyping. Graduate students and postdocs will aim to emerge from the program having built minimum viable products, with support from Pillar VC and experienced industry leaders.

    “We are grateful for this support from Pillar VC and to join forces to converge the commercialization of translational research in AI, data science, and machine learning, with an emphasis on identifying and cultivating prospective entrepreneurs,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the MIT School of Engineering and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “Pillar’s focus on mentorship for our graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and centering the program within the Deshpande Center, will undoubtedly foster big ideas in AI and create an environment for prospective companies to launch and thrive.” 

    Founded by Jamie Goldstein ’89, Pillar VC is committed to growing companies and investing in personal and professional development, coaching, and community.

    “Many of the most promising companies of the future are living at MIT in the form of transformational research in the fields of data science, AI, and machine learning,” says Goldstein. “We’re honored by the chance to help unlock this potential and catalyze a new generation of founders by surrounding students and postdoctoral researchers with the resources and mentorship they need to move from the lab to industry.”

    The program will launch with the 2022-23 academic year. Grants will be open only to MIT faculty and students, with an emphasis on funding for graduate students in their final year, as well as postdocs. Applications must be submitted by MIT employees with principal investigator status. A selection committee composed of three MIT representatives will include Devavrat Shah, faculty director of the Deshpande Center, the Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society; the chair of the selection committee; and a representative from the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. The committee will also include representation from Pillar VC. Funding will be provided for up to nine research teams.

    “The Deshpande Center will serve as the perfect home for the new collective, given its focus on moving innovative technologies from the lab to the marketplace in the form of breakthrough products and new companies,” adds Chandrakasan. 

    “The Deshpande Center has a 20-year history of guiding new technologies toward commercialization, where they can have a greater impact,” says Shah. “This new collective will help the center expand its own impact by helping more projects realize their market potential and providing more support to researchers in the fast-growing fields of AI, machine learning, and data science.” More