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    Accelerating AI tasks while preserving data security

    With the proliferation of computationally intensive machine-learning applications, such as chatbots that perform real-time language translation, device manufacturers often incorporate specialized hardware components to rapidly move and process the massive amounts of data these systems demand.

    Choosing the best design for these components, known as deep neural network accelerators, is challenging because they can have an enormous range of design options. This difficult problem becomes even thornier when a designer seeks to add cryptographic operations to keep data safe from attackers.

    Now, MIT researchers have developed a search engine that can efficiently identify optimal designs for deep neural network accelerators, that preserve data security while boosting performance.

    Their search tool, known as SecureLoop, is designed to consider how the addition of data encryption and authentication measures will impact the performance and energy usage of the accelerator chip. An engineer could use this tool to obtain the optimal design of an accelerator tailored to their neural network and machine-learning task.

    When compared to conventional scheduling techniques that don’t consider security, SecureLoop can improve performance of accelerator designs while keeping data protected.  

    Using SecureLoop could help a user improve the speed and performance of demanding AI applications, such as autonomous driving or medical image classification, while ensuring sensitive user data remains safe from some types of attacks.

    “If you are interested in doing a computation where you are going to preserve the security of the data, the rules that we used before for finding the optimal design are now broken. So all of that optimization needs to be customized for this new, more complicated set of constraints. And that is what [lead author] Kyungmi has done in this paper,” says Joel Emer, an MIT professor of the practice in computer science and electrical engineering and co-author of a paper on SecureLoop.

    Emer is joined on the paper by lead author Kyungmi Lee, an electrical engineering and computer science graduate student; Mengjia Yan, the Homer A. Burnell Career Development Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); and senior author Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the MIT School of Engineering and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The research will be presented at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.

    “The community passively accepted that adding cryptographic operations to an accelerator will introduce overhead. They thought it would introduce only a small variance in the design trade-off space. But, this is a misconception. In fact, cryptographic operations can significantly distort the design space of energy-efficient accelerators. Kyungmi did a fantastic job identifying this issue,” Yan adds.

    Secure acceleration

    A deep neural network consists of many layers of interconnected nodes that process data. Typically, the output of one layer becomes the input of the next layer. Data are grouped into units called tiles for processing and transfer between off-chip memory and the accelerator. Each layer of the neural network can have its own data tiling configuration.

    A deep neural network accelerator is a processor with an array of computational units that parallelizes operations, like multiplication, in each layer of the network. The accelerator schedule describes how data are moved and processed.

    Since space on an accelerator chip is at a premium, most data are stored in off-chip memory and fetched by the accelerator when needed. But because data are stored off-chip, they are vulnerable to an attacker who could steal information or change some values, causing the neural network to malfunction.

    “As a chip manufacturer, you can’t guarantee the security of external devices or the overall operating system,” Lee explains.

    Manufacturers can protect data by adding authenticated encryption to the accelerator. Encryption scrambles the data using a secret key. Then authentication cuts the data into uniform chunks and assigns a cryptographic hash to each chunk of data, which is stored along with the data chunk in off-chip memory.

    When the accelerator fetches an encrypted chunk of data, known as an authentication block, it uses a secret key to recover and verify the original data before processing it.

    But the sizes of authentication blocks and tiles of data don’t match up, so there could be multiple tiles in one block, or a tile could be split between two blocks. The accelerator can’t arbitrarily grab a fraction of an authentication block, so it may end up grabbing extra data, which uses additional energy and slows down computation.

    Plus, the accelerator still must run the cryptographic operation on each authentication block, adding even more computational cost.

    An efficient search engine

    With SecureLoop, the MIT researchers sought a method that could identify the fastest and most energy efficient accelerator schedule — one that minimizes the number of times the device needs to access off-chip memory to grab extra blocks of data because of encryption and authentication.  

    They began by augmenting an existing search engine Emer and his collaborators previously developed, called Timeloop. First, they added a model that could account for the additional computation needed for encryption and authentication.

    Then, they reformulated the search problem into a simple mathematical expression, which enables SecureLoop to find the ideal authentical block size in a much more efficient manner than searching through all possible options.

    “Depending on how you assign this block, the amount of unnecessary traffic might increase or decrease. If you assign the cryptographic block cleverly, then you can just fetch a small amount of additional data,” Lee says.

    Finally, they incorporated a heuristic technique that ensures SecureLoop identifies a schedule which maximizes the performance of the entire deep neural network, rather than only a single layer.

    At the end, the search engine outputs an accelerator schedule, which includes the data tiling strategy and the size of the authentication blocks, that provides the best possible speed and energy efficiency for a specific neural network.

    “The design spaces for these accelerators are huge. What Kyungmi did was figure out some very pragmatic ways to make that search tractable so she could find good solutions without needing to exhaustively search the space,” says Emer.

    When tested in a simulator, SecureLoop identified schedules that were up to 33.2 percent faster and exhibited 50.2 percent better energy delay product (a metric related to energy efficiency) than other methods that didn’t consider security.

    The researchers also used SecureLoop to explore how the design space for accelerators changes when security is considered. They learned that allocating a bit more of the chip’s area for the cryptographic engine and sacrificing some space for on-chip memory can lead to better performance, Lee says.

    In the future, the researchers want to use SecureLoop to find accelerator designs that are resilient to side-channel attacks, which occur when an attacker has access to physical hardware. For instance, an attacker could monitor the power consumption pattern of a device to obtain secret information, even if the data have been encrypted. They are also extending SecureLoop so it could be applied to other kinds of computation.

    This work is funded, in part, by Samsung Electronics and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. More

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    A new way to look at data privacy

    Imagine that a team of scientists has developed a machine-learning model that can predict whether a patient has cancer from lung scan images. They want to share this model with hospitals around the world so clinicians can start using it in diagnosis.

    But there’s a problem. To teach their model how to predict cancer, they showed it millions of real lung scan images, a process called training. Those sensitive data, which are now encoded into the inner workings of the model, could potentially be extracted by a malicious agent. The scientists can prevent this by adding noise, or more generic randomness, to the model that makes it harder for an adversary to guess the original data. However, perturbation reduces a model’s accuracy, so the less noise one can add, the better.

    MIT researchers have developed a technique that enables the user to potentially add the smallest amount of noise possible, while still ensuring the sensitive data are protected.

    The researchers created a new privacy metric, which they call Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Privacy, and built a framework based on this metric that can automatically determine the minimal amount of noise that needs to be added. Moreover, this framework does not need knowledge of the inner workings of a model or its training process, which makes it easier to use for different types of models and applications.

    In several cases, the researchers show that the amount of noise required to protect sensitive data from adversaries is far less with PAC Privacy than with other approaches. This could help engineers create machine-learning models that provably hide training data, while maintaining accuracy in real-world settings.

    “PAC Privacy exploits the uncertainty or entropy of the sensitive data in a meaningful way,  and this allows us to add, in many cases, an order of magnitude less noise. This framework allows us to understand the characteristics of arbitrary data processing and privatize it automatically without artificial modifications. While we are in the early days and we are doing simple examples, we are excited about the promise of this technique,” says Srini Devadas, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and co-author of a new paper on PAC Privacy.

    Devadas wrote the paper with lead author Hanshen Xiao, an electrical engineering and computer science graduate student. The research will be presented at the International Cryptography Conference (Crypto 2023).

    Defining privacy

    A fundamental question in data privacy is: How much sensitive data could an adversary recover from a machine-learning model with noise added to it?

    Differential Privacy, one popular privacy definition, says privacy is achieved if an adversary who observes the released model cannot infer whether an arbitrary individual’s data is used for the training processing. But provably preventing an adversary from distinguishing data usage often requires large amounts of noise to obscure it. This noise reduces the model’s accuracy.

    PAC Privacy looks at the problem a bit differently. It characterizes how hard it would be for an adversary to reconstruct any part of randomly sampled or generated sensitive data after noise has been added, rather than only focusing on the distinguishability problem.

    For instance, if the sensitive data are images of human faces, differential privacy would focus on whether the adversary can tell if someone’s face was in the dataset. PAC Privacy, on the other hand, could look at whether an adversary could extract a silhouette — an approximation — that someone could recognize as a particular individual’s face.

    Once they established the definition of PAC Privacy, the researchers created an algorithm that automatically tells the user how much noise to add to a model to prevent an adversary from confidently reconstructing a close approximation of the sensitive data. This algorithm guarantees privacy even if the adversary has infinite computing power, Xiao says.

    To find the optimal amount of noise, the PAC Privacy algorithm relies on the uncertainty, or entropy, in the original data from the viewpoint of the adversary.

    This automatic technique takes samples randomly from a data distribution or a large data pool and runs the user’s machine-learning training algorithm on that subsampled data to produce an output learned model. It does this many times on different subsamplings and compares the variance across all outputs. This variance determines how much noise one must add — a smaller variance means less noise is needed.

    Algorithm advantages

    Different from other privacy approaches, the PAC Privacy algorithm does not need knowledge of the inner workings of a model, or the training process.

    When implementing PAC Privacy, a user can specify their desired level of confidence at the outset. For instance, perhaps the user wants a guarantee that an adversary will not be more than 1 percent confident that they have successfully reconstructed the sensitive data to within 5 percent of its actual value. The PAC Privacy algorithm automatically tells the user the optimal amount of noise that needs to be added to the output model before it is shared publicly, in order to achieve those goals.

    “The noise is optimal, in the sense that if you add less than we tell you, all bets could be off. But the effect of adding noise to neural network parameters is complicated, and we are making no promises on the utility drop the model may experience with the added noise,” Xiao says.

    This points to one limitation of PAC Privacy — the technique does not tell the user how much accuracy the model will lose once the noise is added. PAC Privacy also involves repeatedly training a machine-learning model on many subsamplings of data, so it can be computationally expensive.  

    To improve PAC Privacy, one approach is to modify a user’s machine-learning training process so it is more stable, meaning that the output model it produces does not change very much when the input data is subsampled from a data pool.  This stability would create smaller variances between subsample outputs, so not only would the PAC Privacy algorithm need to be run fewer times to identify the optimal amount of noise, but it would also need to add less noise.

    An added benefit of stabler models is that they often have less generalization error, which means they can make more accurate predictions on previously unseen data, a win-win situation between machine learning and privacy, Devadas adds.

    “In the next few years, we would love to look a little deeper into this relationship between stability and privacy, and the relationship between privacy and generalization error. We are knocking on a door here, but it is not clear yet where the door leads,” he says.

    “Obfuscating the usage of an individual’s data in a model is paramount to protecting their privacy. However, to do so can come at the cost of the datas’ and therefore model’s utility,” says Jeremy Goodsitt, senior machine learning engineer at Capital One, who was not involved with this research. “PAC provides an empirical, black-box solution, which can reduce the added noise compared to current practices while maintaining equivalent privacy guarantees. In addition, its empirical approach broadens its reach to more data consuming applications.”

    This research is funded, in part, by DSTA Singapore, Cisco Systems, Capital One, and a MathWorks Fellowship. More

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    Making sense of all things data

    Data, and more specifically using data, is not a new concept, but it remains an elusive one. It comes with terms like “the internet of things” (IoT) and “the cloud,” and no matter how often those are explained, smart people can still be confused. And then there’s the amount of information available and the speed with which it comes in. Software is omnipresent. It’s in coffeemakers and watches, gathering data every second. The question becomes how to take all the new technology and take advantage of the potential insights and analytics. It’s not a small ask.

    “Putting our arms around what digital transformation is can be difficult to do,” says Abel Sanchez. But as the executive director and research director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center, that’s exactly what he does with his work in helping industries and executives shift their operations in order to make sense of their data and be able to use it to help their bottom lines.

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    Handling the pace

    Data can lead to making better business decisions. That’s not a new or surprising insight, but as Sanchez says, people still tend to work off of intuition. Part of the problem is that they don’t know what to do with their available data, and there’s usually plenty of available data. Part of that problem is that there’s so much information being produced from so many sources. As soon as a person wakes up and turns on their phone or starts their car, software is running. It’s coming in fast, but because it’s also complex, “it outperforms people,” he says.

    As an example with Uber, once a person clicks on the app for a ride, predictive models start firing at the rate of 1 million per second. It’s all in order to optimize the trip, taking into account factors such as school schedules, roadway conditions, traffic, and a driver’s availability. It’s helpful for the task, but it’s something that “no human would be able to do,” he says. 

    The solution requires a few components. One is a new way to store data. In the past, the classic was creating the “perfect library,” which was too structured. The response to that was to create a “data lake,” where all the information would go in and somehow people would make sense of it. “This also failed,” Sanchez says.

    Data storage needs to be re-imaged, in which a key element is greater accessibility. In most corporations, only 10-20 percent of employees have the access and technical skill to work with the data. The rest have to go through a centralized resource and get into a queue, an inefficient system. The goal, Sanchez says, is to democratize the information by going to a modern stack, which would convert what he calls “dormant data” into “active data.” The result? Better decisions could be made.

    The first, big step companies need to take is the will to make the change. Part of it is an investment of money, but it’s also an attitude shift. Corporations can have an embedded culture where things have always been done a certain way and deviating from that is resisted because it’s different. But when it comes to data, a new approach is needed. Managing and curating the information can no longer rest in the hands of one person with the institutional memory. It’s not possible. It’s also not practical because companies are losing out on efficiency and productivity, because with technology, “What use to take years to do, now you can do in days,” Sanchez says.

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    The new player

    The above exemplifies what’s been involved with coordinating data along four intertwined components: IoT, AI, the cloud, and security. The first two create the information, which then gets stored in the cloud, but it’s all for naught without robust security. But one relative newcomer has come into the picture. It’s blockchain technology, a term that is often said but still not fully understood, adding further to the confusion.

    Sanchez says that information has been handled and organized a certain way with the World Wide Web. Blockchain is an opportunity to be more nimble and productive by offering the chance to have an accepted identity, currency, and logic that works on a global scale. The holdup has always been that there’s never been any agreement on those three components on a global scale. It leads to people being shut out, inefficiency, and lost business.

    One example, Sanchez says, of blockchain’s potential is with hospitals. In the United States, they’re private and information has to be constantly integrated from doctors, insurance companies, labs, government regulators, and pharmaceutical companies. It leads to repeated steps to do something as simple as recognizing a patient’s identity, which often can’t be agreed upon. With blockchain, these various entities can create a consortium using open source code with no barriers of access, and it could quickly and easily identify a patient because it set up an agreement, and with it “remove that level of effort.” It’s an incremental step, but one which can be built upon that reduces cost and risk.

    Another example — “one of the best examples,” Sanchez says — is what was done in Indonesia. Most of the rice, corn, and wheat that comes from this area is produced from smallholder farms. For the people making loans, it’s expensive to understand the risk of cultivating these plots of land. Compounding that is that these farmers don’t have state-issued identities or credit records, so, “They don’t exist in the modern economic sense,” he says. They don’t have access to loans, and banks are losing out on potential good customers.

    With this project, blockchain allowed local people to gather information about the farms on their smartphones. Banks could acquire the information and compensate the people with tokens, thereby incentivizing the work. The bank would see the creditworthiness of the farms, and farmers could end up getting fair loans.

    In the end, it creates a beneficial circle for the banks, farmers, and community, but it also represents what can be done with digital transformation by allowing businesses to optimize their processes, make better decisions, and ultimately profit.

    “It’s a tremendous new platform,” Sanchez says. “This is the promise.” More

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    A faster way to preserve privacy online

    Searching the internet can reveal information a user would rather keep private. For instance, when someone looks up medical symptoms online, they could reveal their health conditions to Google, an online medical database like WebMD, and perhaps hundreds of these companies’ advertisers and business partners.

    For decades, researchers have been crafting techniques that enable users to search for and retrieve information from a database privately, but these methods remain too slow to be effectively used in practice.

    MIT researchers have now developed a scheme for private information retrieval that is about 30 times faster than other comparable methods. Their technique enables a user to search an online database without revealing their query to the server. Moreover, it is driven by a simple algorithm that would be easier to implement than the more complicated approaches from previous work.

    Their technique could enable private communication by preventing a messaging app from knowing what users are saying or who they are talking to. It could also be used to fetch relevant online ads without advertising servers learning a users’ interests.

    “This work is really about giving users back some control over their own data. In the long run, we’d like browsing the web to be as private as browsing a library. This work doesn’t achieve that yet, but it starts building the tools to let us do this sort of thing quickly and efficiently in practice,” says Alexandra Henzinger, a computer science graduate student and lead author of a paper introducing the technique.

    Co-authors include Matthew Hong, an MIT computer science graduate student; Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, the Douglas Ross Career Development Professor of Software Technology in the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and a member of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL); Sarah Meiklejohn, a professor in cryptography and security at University College London and a staff research scientist at Google; and senior author Vinod Vaikuntanathan, an EECS professor and principal investigator in CSAIL. The research will be presented at the 2023 USENIX Security Symposium. 

    Preserving privacy

    The first schemes for private information retrieval were developed in the 1990s, partly by researchers at MIT. These techniques enable a user to communicate with a remote server that holds a database, and read records from that database without the server knowing what the user is reading.

    To preserve privacy, these techniques force the server to touch every single item in the database, so it can’t tell which entry a user is searching for. If one area is left untouched, the server would learn that the client is not interested in that item. But touching every item when there may be millions of database entries slows down the query process.

    To speed things up, the MIT researchers developed a protocol, known as Simple PIR, in which the server performs much of the underlying cryptographic work in advance, before a client even sends a query. This preprocessing step produces a data structure that holds compressed information about the database contents, and which the client downloads before sending a query.

    In a sense, this data structure is like a hint for the client about what is in the database.

    “Once the client has this hint, it can make an unbounded number of queries, and these queries are going to be much smaller in both the size of the messages you are sending and the work that you need the server to do. This is what makes Simple PIR so much faster,” Henzinger explains.

    But the hint can be relatively large in size. For example, to query a 1-gigabyte database, the client would need to download a 124-megabyte hint. This drives up communication costs, which could make the technique difficult to implement on real-world devices.

    To reduce the size of the hint, the researchers developed a second technique, known as Double PIR, that basically involves running the Simple PIR scheme twice. This produces a much more compact hint that is fixed in size for any database.

    Using Double PIR, the hint for a 1 gigabyte database would only be 16 megabytes.

    “Our Double PIR scheme runs a little bit slower, but it will have much lower communication costs. For some applications, this is going to be a desirable tradeoff,” Henzinger says.

    Hitting the speed limit

    They tested the Simple PIR and Double PIR schemes by applying them to a task in which a client seeks to audit a specific piece of information about a website to ensure that website is safe to visit. To preserve privacy, the client cannot reveal the website it is auditing.

    The researchers’ fastest technique was able to successfully preserve privacy while running at about 10 gigabytes per second. Previous schemes could only achieve a throughput of about 300 megabytes per second.

    They show that their method approaches the theoretical speed limit for private information retrieval — it is nearly the fastest possible scheme one can build in which the server touches every record in the database, adds Corrigan-Gibbs.

    In addition, their method only requires a single server, making it much simpler than many top-performing techniques that require two separate servers with identical databases. Their method outperformed these more complex protocols.

    “I’ve been thinking about these schemes for some time, and I never thought this could be possible at this speed. The folklore was that any single-server scheme is going to be really slow. This work turns that whole notion on its head,” Corrigan-Gibbs says.

    While the researchers have shown that they can make PIR schemes much faster, there is still work to do before they would be able to deploy their techniques in real-world scenarios, says Henzinger. They would like to cut the communication costs of their schemes while still enabling them to achieve high speeds. In addition, they want to adapt their techniques to handle more complex queries, such as general SQL queries, and more demanding applications, such as a general Wikipedia search. And in the long run, they hope to develop better techniques that can preserve privacy without requiring a server to touch every database item. 

    “I’ve heard people emphatically claiming that PIR will never be practical. But I would never bet against technology. That is an optimistic lesson to learn from this work. There are always ways to innovate,” Vaikuntanathan says.

    “This work makes a major improvement to the practical cost of private information retrieval. While it was known that low-bandwidth PIR schemes imply public-key cryptography, which is typically orders of magnitude slower than private-key cryptography, this work develops an ingenious method to bridge the gap. This is done by making a clever use of special properties of a public-key encryption scheme due to Regev to push the vast majority of the computational work to a precomputation step, in which the server computes a short ‘hint’ about the database,” says Yuval Ishai, a professor of computer science at Technion (the Israel Institute of Technology), who was not involved in the study. “What makes their approach particularly appealing is that the same hint can be used an unlimited number of times, by any number of clients. This renders the (moderate) cost of computing the hint insignificant in a typical scenario where the same database is accessed many times.”

    This work is funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation, Google, Facebook, MIT’s Fintech@CSAIL Initiative, an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, an EECS Great Educators Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Analog Devices, Microsoft, and a Thornton Family Faculty Research Innovation Fellowship. More

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    3 Questions: Why cybersecurity is on the agenda for corporate boards of directors

    Organizations of every size and in every industry are vulnerable to cybersecurity risks — a dynamic landscape of threats and vulnerabilities and a corresponding overload of possible mitigating controls. MIT Senior Lecturer Keri Pearlson, who is also the executive director of the research consortium Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan (CAMS) and an instructor for the new MIT Sloan Executive Education course Cybersecurity Governance for the Board of Directors, knows how business can get ahead of this risk. Here, she describes the current threat and explores how boards can mitigate their risk against cybercrime.

    Q: What does the current state of cyberattacks mean for businesses in 2023?

    A: Last year we were discussing how the pandemic heightened fear, uncertainty, doubt and chaos, opening new doors for malicious actors to do their cyber mischief in our organizations and our families. We saw an increase in ransomware and other cyber attacks, and we saw an increase in concern from operating executives and board of directors wondering how to keep the organization secure. Since then, we have seen a continued escalation of cyber incidents, many of which no longer make the headlines unless they are wildly unique, damaging, or different than previous incidents. For every new technology that cybersecurity professionals invent, it’s only a matter of time until malicious actors find a way around it. New leadership approaches are needed for 2023 as we move into the next phase of securing our organizations.

    In great part, this means ensuring deep cybersecurity competencies on our boards of directors. Cyber risk is so significant that a responsible board can no longer ignore it or just delegate it to risk management experts. In fact, an organization’s board of directors holds a uniquely vital role in safeguarding data and systems for the future because of their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders and their responsibility to oversee and mitigate business risk.

    As these cyber threats increase, and as companies bolster their cybersecurity budgets accordingly, the regulatory community is also advancing new requirements of companies. In March of this year, the SEC issued a proposed rule titled Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure. In it, the SEC describes its intention to require public companies to disclose whether their boards have members with cybersecurity expertise. Specifically, registrants will be required to disclose whether the entire board, a specific board member, or a board committee is responsible for the oversight of cyber risks; the processes by which the board is informed about cyber risks, and the frequency of its discussions on this topic; and whether and how the board or specified board committee considers cyber risks as part of its business strategy, risk management, and financial oversight.

    Q: How can boards help their organizations mitigate cyber risk?

    A: According to the studies I’ve conducted with my CAMS colleagues, most organizations focus on cyber protection rather than cyber resilience, and we believe that is a mistake. A company that invests only in protection is not managing the risk associated with getting up and running again in the event of a cyber incident, and they are not going to be able to respond appropriately to new regulations, either. Resiliency means having a practical plan for recovery and business continuation.

    Certainly, protection is part of the resilience equation, but if the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us that resilience is the ability to weather an attack and recover quickly with minimal impact to our operations. The ultimate goal of a cyber-resilient organization would be zero disruption from a cyber breach — no impact on operations, finances, technologies, supply chain or reputation. Board members should ask, What would it take for this to be the case? And they should ensure that executives and managers have made proper and appropriate preparations to respond and recover.

    Being a knowledgeable board member does not mean becoming a cybersecurity expert, but it does mean understanding basic concepts, risks, frameworks, and approaches. And it means having the ability to assess whether management appropriately comprehends related threats, has an appropriate cyber strategy, and can measure its effectiveness. Board members today require focused training on these critical areas to carry out their mission. Unfortunately, many enterprises fail to leverage their boards of directors in this capacity or prepare board members to actively contribute to strategy, protocols, and emergency action plans.

    Alongside my CAMS colleagues Stuart Madnick and Kevin Powers, I’m teaching a new  MIT Sloan Executive Education course, Cybersecurity Governance for the Board of Directors, designed to help organizations and their boards get up to speed. Participants will explore the board’s role in cybersecurity, as well as breach planning, response, and mitigation. And we will discuss the impact and requirements of the many new regulations coming forward, not just from the SEC, but also White House, Congress, and most states and countries around the world, which are imposing more high-level responsibilities on companies.

    Q: What are some examples of how companies, and specifically boards of directors, have successfully upped their cybersecurity game?

    A: To ensure boardroom skills reflect the patterns of the marketplace, companies such as FedEx, Hasbro, PNC, and UPS have transformed their approach to governing cyber risk, starting with board cyber expertise. In companies like these, building resiliency started with a clear plan — from the boardroom — built on business and economic analysis.

    In one company we looked at, the CEO realized his board was not well versed in the business context or financial exposure risk from a cyber attack, so he hired a third-party consulting firm to conduct a cybersecurity maturity assessment. The company CISO presented the results of the report to the enterprise risk management subcommittee, creating a productive dialogue around the business and financial impact of different investments in cybersecurity.  

    Another organization focused their board on the alignment of their cybersecurity program and operational risk. The CISO, chief risk officer, and board collaborated to understand the exposure of the organization from a risk perspective, resulting in optimizing their cyber insurance policy to mitigate the newly understood risk.

    One important takeaway from these examples is the importance of using the language of risk, resiliency, and reputation to bridge the gaps between technical cybersecurity needs and the oversight responsibilities executed by boards. Boards need to understand the financial exposure resulting from cyber risk, not just the technical components typically found in cyber presentations.

    Cyber risk is not going away. It’s escalating and becoming more sophisticated every day. Getting your board “on board” is key to meeting new guidelines, providing sufficient oversight to cybersecurity plans, and making organizations more resilient. More

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    MIT Policy Hackathon produces new solutions for technology policy challenges

    Almost three years ago, the Covid-19 pandemic changed the world. Many are still looking to uncover a “new normal.”

    “Instead of going back to normal, [there’s a new generation that] wants to build back something different, something better,” says Jorge Sandoval, a second-year graduate student in MIT’s Technology and Policy Program (TPP) at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society (IDSS). “How do we communicate this mindset to others, that the world cannot be the same as before?”

    This was the inspiration behind “A New (Re)generation,” this year’s theme for the IDSS-student-run MIT Policy Hackathon, which Sandoval helped to organize as the event chair. The Policy Hackathon is a weekend-long, interdisciplinary competition that brings together participants from around the globe to explore potential solutions to some of society’s greatest challenges. 

    Unlike other competitions of its kind, Sandoval says MIT’s event emphasizes a humanistic approach. “The idea of our hackathon is to promote applications of technology that are humanistic or human-centered,” he says. “We take the opportunity to examine aspects of technology in the spaces where they tend to interact with society and people, an opportunity most technical competitions don’t offer because their primary focus is on the technology.”

    The competition started with 50 teams spread across four challenge categories. This year’s categories included Internet and Cybersecurity, Environmental Justice, Logistics, and Housing and City Planning. While some people come into the challenge with friends, Sandoval said most teams form organically during an online networking meeting hosted by MIT.

    “We encourage people to pair up with others outside of their country and to form teams of different diverse backgrounds and ages,” Sandoval says. “We try to give people who are often not invited to the decision-making table the opportunity to be a policymaker, bringing in those with backgrounds in not only law, policy, or politics, but also medicine, and people who have careers in engineering or experience working in nonprofits.”

    Once an in-person event, the Policy Hackathon has gone through its own regeneration process these past three years, according to Sandoval. After going entirely online during the pandemic’s height, last year they successfully hosted the first hybrid version of the event, which served as their model again this year.

    “The hybrid version of the event gives us the opportunity to allow people to connect in a way that is lost if it is only online, while also keeping the wide range of accessibility, allowing people to join from anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality or income, to provide their input,” Sandoval says.

    For Swetha Tadisina, an undergraduate computer science major at Lafayette College and participant in the internet and cybersecurity category, the hackathon was a unique opportunity to meet and work with people much more advanced in their careers. “I was surprised how such a diverse team that had never met before was able to work so efficiently and creatively,” Tadisina says.

    Erika Spangler, a public high school teacher from Massachusetts and member of the environmental justice category’s winning team, says that while each member of “Team Slime Mold” came to the table with a different set of skills, they managed to be in sync from the start — even working across the nine-and-a-half-hour time difference the four-person team faced when working with policy advocate Shruti Nandy from Calcutta, India.

    “We divided the project into data, policy, and research and trusted each other’s expertise,” Spangler says, “Despite having separate areas of focus, we made sure to have regular check-ins to problem-solve and cross-pollinate ideas.”

    During the 48-hour period, her team proposed the creation of an algorithm to identify high-quality brownfields that could be cleaned up and used as sites for building renewable energy. Their corresponding policy sought to mandate additional requirements for renewable energy businesses seeking tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act.

    “Their policy memo had the most in-depth technical assessment, including deep dives in a few key cities to show the impact of their proposed approach for site selection at a very granular level,” says Amanda Levin, director of policy analysis for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Levin acted as both a judge and challenge provider for the environmental justice category.

    “They also presented their policy recommendations in the memo in a well-thought-out way, clearly noting the relevant actor,” she adds. This clarity around what can be done, and who would be responsible for those actions, is highly valuable for those in policy.”

    Levin says the NRDC, one of the largest environmental nonprofits in the United States, provided five “challenge questions,” making it clear that teams did not need to address all of them. She notes that this gave teams significant leeway, bringing a wide variety of recommendations to the table. 

    “As a challenge partner, the work put together by all the teams is already being used to help inform discussions about the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act,” Levin says. “Being able to tap into the collective intelligence of the hackathon helped uncover new perspectives and policy solutions that can help make an impact in addressing the important policy challenges we face today.”

    While having partners with experience in data science and policy definitely helped, fellow Team Slime Mold member Sara Sheffels, a PhD candidate in MIT’s biomaterials program, says she was surprised how much her experiences outside of science and policy were relevant to the challenge: “My experience organizing MIT’s Graduate Student Union shaped my ideas about more meaningful community involvement in renewables projects on brownfields. It is not meaningful to merely educate people about the importance of renewables or ask them to sign off on a pre-planned project without addressing their other needs.”

    “I wanted to test my limits, gain exposure, and expand my world,” Tadisina adds. “The exposure, friendships, and experiences you gain in such a short period of time are incredible.”

    For Willy R. Vasquez, an electrical and computer engineering PhD student at the University of Texas, the hackathon is not to be missed. “If you’re interested in the intersection of tech, society, and policy, then this is a must-do experience.” More

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    Zero-trust architecture may hold the answer to cybersecurity insider threats

    For years, organizations have taken a defensive “castle-and-moat” approach to cybersecurity, seeking to secure the perimeters of their networks to block out any malicious actors. Individuals with the right credentials were assumed to be trustworthy and allowed access to a network’s systems and data without having to reauthorize themselves at each access attempt. However, organizations today increasingly store data in the cloud and allow employees to connect to the network remotely, both of which create vulnerabilities to this traditional approach. A more secure future may require a “zero-trust architecture,” in which users must prove their authenticity each time they access a network application or data.

    In May 2021, President Joe Biden’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity outlined a goal for federal agencies to implement zero-trust security. Since then, MIT Lincoln Laboratory has been performing a study on zero-trust architectures, with the goals of reviewing their implementation in government and industry, identifying technical gaps and opportunities, and developing a set of recommendations for the United States’ approach to a zero-trust system.

    The study team’s first step was to define the term “zero trust” and understand the misperceptions in the field surrounding the concept. Some of these misperceptions suggest that a zero-trust architecture requires entirely new equipment to implement, or that it makes systems so “locked down” they’re not usable. 

    “Part of the reason why there is a lot of confusion about what zero trust is, is because it takes what the cybersecurity world has known about for many years and applies it in a different way,” says Jeffrey Gottschalk, the assistant head of Lincoln Laboratory’s Cyber Security and Information Sciences Division and study’s co-lead. “It is a paradigm shift in terms of how to think about security, but holistically it takes a lot of things that we already know how to do — such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and software-defined networking­ — and combines them in different ways.”

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    Presentation: Overview of Zero Trust Architectures

    Recent high-profile cybersecurity incidents — such as those involving the National Security Agency, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Colonial Pipeline, SolarWinds, and Sony Pictures — highlight the vulnerability of systems and the need to rethink cybersecurity approaches.

    The study team reviewed recent, impactful cybersecurity incidents to identify which security principles were most responsible for the scale and impact of the attack. “We noticed that while a number of these attacks exploited previously unknown implementation vulnerabilities (also known as ‘zero-days’), the vast majority actually were due to the exploitation of operational security principles,” says Christopher Roeser, study co-lead and the assistant head of the Homeland Protection and Air Traffic Control Division, “that is, the gaining of individuals’ credentials, and the movement within a well-connected network that allows users to gather a significant amount of information or have very widespread effects.”

    In other words, the malicious actor had “breached the moat” and effectively became an insider.

    Zero-trust security principles could protect against this type of insider threat by treating every component, service, and user of a system as continuously exposed to and potentially compromised by a malicious actor. A user’s identity is verified each time that they request to access a new resource, and every access is mediated, logged, and analyzed. It’s like putting trip wires all over the inside of a network system, says Gottschalk. “So, when an adversary trips over that trip wire, you’ll get a signal and can validate that signal and see what’s going on.”

    In practice, a zero-trust approach could look like replacing a single-sign-on system, which lets users sign in just once for access to multiple applications, with a cloud-based identity that is known and verified. “Today, a lot of organizations have different ways that people authenticate and log onto systems, and many of those have been aggregated for expediency into single-sign-on capabilities, just to make it easier for people to log onto their systems. But we envision a future state that embraces zero trust, where identity verification is enabled by cloud-based identity that’s portable and ubiquitous, and very secure itself.”

    While conducting their study, the team spoke to approximately 10 companies and government organizations that have adopted zero-trust implementations — either through cloud services, in-house management, or a combination of both. They found the hybrid approach to be a good model for government organizations to adopt. They also found that the implementation could take from three to five years. “We talked to organizations that have actually done implementations of zero trust, and all of them have indicated that significant organizational commitment and change was required to be able to implement them,” Gottschalk says.

    But a key takeaway from the study is that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to zero trust. “It’s why we think that having test-bed and pilot efforts are going to be very important to balance out zero-trust security with the mission needs of those systems,” Gottschalk says. The team also recognizes the importance of conducting ongoing research and development beyond initial zero-trust implementations, to continue to address evolving threats.

    Lincoln Laboratory will present further findings from the study at its upcoming Cyber Technology for National Security conference, which will be held June 28-29. The conference will also offer a short course for attendees to learn more about the benefits and implementations of zero-trust architectures.  More

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    Technique protects privacy when making online recommendations

    Algorithms recommend products while we shop online or suggest songs we might like as we listen to music on streaming apps.

    These algorithms work by using personal information like our past purchases and browsing history to generate tailored recommendations. The sensitive nature of such data makes preserving privacy extremely important, but existing methods for solving this problem rely on heavy cryptographic tools requiring enormous amounts of computation and bandwidth.

    MIT researchers may have a better solution. They developed a privacy-preserving protocol that is so efficient it can run on a smartphone over a very slow network. Their technique safeguards personal data while ensuring recommendation results are accurate.

    In addition to user privacy, their protocol minimizes the unauthorized transfer of information from the database, known as leakage, even if a malicious agent tries to trick a database into revealing secret information.

    The new protocol could be especially useful in situations where data leaks could violate user privacy laws, like when a health care provider uses a patient’s medical history to search a database for other patients who had similar symptoms or when a company serves targeted advertisements to users under European privacy regulations.

    “This is a really hard problem. We relied on a whole string of cryptographic and algorithmic tricks to arrive at our protocol,” says Sacha Servan-Schreiber, a graduate student in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and lead author of the paper that presents this new protocol.

    Servan-Schreiber wrote the paper with fellow CSAIL graduate student Simon Langowski and their advisor and senior author Srinivas Devadas, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering. The research will be presented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.

    The data next door

    The technique at the heart of algorithmic recommendation engines is known as a nearest neighbor search, which involves finding the data point in a database that is closest to a query point. Data points that are mapped nearby share similar attributes and are called neighbors.

    These searches involve a server that is linked with an online database which contains concise representations of data point attributes. In the case of a music streaming service, those attributes, known as feature vectors, could be the genre or popularity of different songs.

    To find a song recommendation, the client (user) sends a query to the server that contains a certain feature vector, like a genre of music the user likes or a compressed history of their listening habits. The server then provides the ID of a feature vector in the database that is closest to the client’s query, without revealing the actual vector. In the case of music streaming, that ID would likely be a song title. The client learns the recommended song title without learning the feature vector associated with it.

    “The server has to be able to do this computation without seeing the numbers it is doing the computation on. It can’t actually see the features, but still needs to give you the closest thing in the database,” says Langowski.

    To achieve this, the researchers created a protocol that relies on two separate servers that access the same database. Using two servers makes the process more efficient and enables the use of a cryptographic technique known as private information retrieval. This technique allows a client to query a database without revealing what it is searching for, Servan-Schreiber explains.

    Overcoming security challenges

    But while private information retrieval is secure on the client side, it doesn’t provide database privacy on its own. The database offers a set of candidate vectors — possible nearest neighbors — for the client, which are typically winnowed down later by the client using brute force. However, doing so can reveal a lot about the database to the client. The additional privacy challenge is to prevent the client from learning those extra vectors. 

    The researchers employed a tuning technique that eliminates many of the extra vectors in the first place, and then used a different trick, which they call oblivious masking, to hide any additional data points except for the actual nearest neighbor. This efficiently preserves database privacy, so the client won’t learn anything about the feature vectors in the database.  

    Once they designed this protocol, they tested it with a nonprivate implementation on four real-world datasets to determine how to tune the algorithm to maximize accuracy. Then, they used their protocol to conduct private nearest neighbor search queries on those datasets.

    Their technique requires a few seconds of server processing time per query and less than 10 megabytes of communication between the client and servers, even with databases that contained more than 10 million items. By contrast, other secure methods can require gigabytes of communication or hours of computation time. With each query, their method achieved greater than 95 percent accuracy (meaning that nearly every time it found the actual approximate nearest neighbor to the query point). 

    The techniques they used to enable database privacy will thwart a malicious client even if it sends false queries to try and trick the server into leaking information.

    “A malicious client won’t learn much more information than an honest client following protocol. And it protects against malicious servers, too. If one deviates from protocol, you might not get the right result, but they will never learn what the client’s query was,” Langowski says.

    In the future, the researchers plan to adjust the protocol so it can preserve privacy using only one server. This could enable it to be applied in more real-world situations, since it would not require the use of two noncolluding entities (which don’t share information with each other) to manage the database.  

    “Nearest neighbor search undergirds many critical machine-learning driven applications, from providing users with content recommendations to classifying medical conditions. However, it typically requires sharing a lot of data with a central system to aggregate and enable the search,” says Bayan Bruss, head of applied machine-learning research at Capital One, who was not involved with this work. “This research provides a key step towards ensuring that the user receives the benefits from nearest neighbor search while having confidence that the central system will not use their data for other purposes.” More