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    Generating opportunities with generative AI

    Talking with retail executives back in 2010, Rama Ramakrishnan came to two realizations. First, although retail systems that offered customers personalized recommendations were getting a great deal of attention, these systems often provided little payoff for retailers. Second, for many of the firms, most customers shopped only once or twice a year, so companies didn’t really know much about them.

    “But by being very diligent about noting down the interactions a customer has with a retailer or an e-commerce site, we can create a very nice and detailed composite picture of what that person does and what they care about,” says Ramakrishnan, professor of the practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management. “Once you have that, then you can apply proven algorithms from machine learning.”

    These realizations led Ramakrishnan to found CQuotient, a startup whose software has now become the foundation for Salesforce’s widely adopted AI e-commerce platform. “On Black Friday alone, CQuotient technology probably sees and interacts with over a billion shoppers on a single day,” he says.

    After a highly successful entrepreneurial career, in 2019 Ramakrishnan returned to MIT Sloan, where he had earned master’s and PhD degrees in operations research in the 1990s. He teaches students “not just how these amazing technologies work, but also how do you take these technologies and actually put them to use pragmatically in the real world,” he says.

    Additionally, Ramakrishnan enjoys participating in MIT executive education. “This is a great opportunity for me to convey the things that I have learned, but also as importantly, to learn what’s on the minds of these senior executives, and to guide them and nudge them in the right direction,” he says.

    For example, executives are understandably concerned about the need for massive amounts of data to train machine learning systems. He can now guide them to a wealth of models that are pre-trained for specific tasks. “The ability to use these pre-trained AI models, and very quickly adapt them to your particular business problem, is an incredible advance,” says Ramakrishnan.

    Rama Ramakrishnan – Utilizing AI in Real World Applications for Intelligent WorkVideo: MIT Industrial Liaison Program

    Understanding AI categories

    “AI is the quest to imbue computers with the ability to do cognitive tasks that typically only humans can do,” he says. Understanding the history of this complex, supercharged landscape aids in exploiting the technologies.

    The traditional approach to AI, which basically solved problems by applying if/then rules learned from humans, proved useful for relatively few tasks. “One reason is that we can do lots of things effortlessly, but if asked to explain how we do them, we can’t actually articulate how we do them,” Ramakrishnan comments. Also, those systems may be baffled by new situations that don’t match up to the rules enshrined in the software.

    Machine learning takes a dramatically different approach, with the software fundamentally learning by example. “You give it lots of examples of inputs and outputs, questions and answers, tasks and responses, and get the computer to automatically learn how to go from the input to the output,” he says. Credit scoring, loan decision-making, disease prediction, and demand forecasting are among the many tasks conquered by machine learning.

    But machine learning only worked well when the input data was structured, for instance in a spreadsheet. “If the input data was unstructured, such as images, video, audio, ECGs, or X-rays, it wasn’t very good at going from that to a predicted output,” Ramakrishnan says. That means humans had to manually structure the unstructured data to train the system.

    Around 2010 deep learning began to overcome that limitation, delivering the ability to directly work with unstructured input data, he says. Based on a longstanding AI strategy known as neural networks, deep learning became practical due to the global flood tide of data, the availability of extraordinarily powerful parallel processing hardware called graphics processing units (originally invented for video games) and advances in algorithms and math.

    Finally, within deep learning, the generative AI software packages appearing last year can create unstructured outputs, such as human-sounding text, images of dogs, and three-dimensional models. Large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT go from text inputs to text outputs, while text-to-image models such as OpenAI’s DALL-E can churn out realistic-appearing images.

    Rama Ramakrishnan – Making Note of Little Data to Improve Customer ServiceVideo: MIT Industrial Liaison Program

    What generative AI can (and can’t) do

    Trained on the unimaginably vast text resources of the internet, a LLM’s “fundamental capability is to predict the next most likely, most plausible word,” Ramakrishnan says. “Then it attaches the word to the original sentence, predicts the next word again, and keeps on doing it.”

    “To the surprise of many, including a lot of researchers, an LLM can do some very complicated things,” he says. “It can compose beautifully coherent poetry, write Seinfeld episodes, and solve some kinds of reasoning problems. It’s really quite remarkable how next-word prediction can lead to these amazing capabilities.”

    “But you have to always keep in mind that what it is doing is not so much finding the correct answer to your question as finding a plausible answer your question,” Ramakrishnan emphasizes. Its content may be factually inaccurate, irrelevant, toxic, biased, or offensive.

    That puts the burden on users to make sure that the output is correct, relevant, and useful for the task at hand. “You have to make sure there is some way for you to check its output for errors and fix them before it goes out,” he says.

    Intense research is underway to find techniques to address these shortcomings, adds Ramakrishnan, who expects many innovative tools to do so.

    Finding the right corporate roles for LLMs

    Given the astonishing progress in LLMs, how should industry think about applying the software to tasks such as generating content?

    First, Ramakrishnan advises, consider costs: “Is it a much less expensive effort to have a draft that you correct, versus you creating the whole thing?” Second, if the LLM makes a mistake that slips by, and the mistaken content is released to the outside world, can you live with the consequences?

    “If you have an application which satisfies both considerations, then it’s good to do a pilot project to see whether these technologies can actually help you with that particular task,” says Ramakrishnan. He stresses the need to treat the pilot as an experiment rather than as a normal IT project.

    Right now, software development is the most mature corporate LLM application. “ChatGPT and other LLMs are text-in, text-out, and a software program is just text-out,” he says. “Programmers can go from English text-in to Python text-out, as well as you can go from English-to-English or English-to-German. There are lots of tools which help you write code using these technologies.”

    Of course, programmers must make sure the result does the job properly. Fortunately, software development already offers infrastructure for testing and verifying code. “This is a beautiful sweet spot,” he says, “where it’s much cheaper to have the technology write code for you, because you can very quickly check and verify it.”

    Another major LLM use is content generation, such as writing marketing copy or e-commerce product descriptions. “Again, it may be much cheaper to fix ChatGPT’s draft than for you to write the whole thing,” Ramakrishnan says. “However, companies must be very careful to make sure there is a human in the loop.”

    LLMs also are spreading quickly as in-house tools to search enterprise documents. Unlike conventional search algorithms, an LLM chatbot can offer a conversational search experience, because it remembers each question you ask. “But again, it will occasionally make things up,” he says. “In terms of chatbots for external customers, these are very early days, because of the risk of saying something wrong to the customer.”

    Overall, Ramakrishnan notes, we’re living in a remarkable time to grapple with AI’s rapidly evolving potentials and pitfalls. “I help companies figure out how to take these very transformative technologies and put them to work, to make products and services much more intelligent, employees much more productive, and processes much more efficient,” he says. More

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    Meet the 2023-24 Accenture Fellows

    The MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative for Industry and Technology has selected five new research fellows for 2023-24. Now in its third year, the initiative underscores the ways in which industry and research can collaborate to spur technological innovation.

    Through its partnership with the School of Engineering, Accenture provides five annual fellowships awarded to graduate students with the aim of generating powerful new insights on the convergence of business and technology with the potential to transform society. The 2023-24 fellows will conduct research in areas including artificial intelligence, sustainability, and robotics.

    The 2023-24 Accenture Fellows are:

    Yiyue Luo

    Yiyue Luo is a PhD candidate who is developing innovative integrations of tactile sensing and haptics, interactive sensing and AI, digital fabrication, and smart wearables. Her work takes advantage of recent advances in digital manufacturing and AI, and the convergence in advanced sensing and actuation mechanisms, scalable digital manufacturing, and emerging computational techniques, with the goal of creating novel sensing and actuation devices that revolutionize interactions between people and their environments. In past projects, Luo has developed tactile sensing apparel including socks, gloves, and vests, as well as a workflow for computationally designing and digitally fabricating soft textiles-based pneumatic actuators. With the support of an Accenture Fellowship, she will advance her work of combining sensing and actuating devices and explore the development of haptic devices that simulate tactile cues captured by tactile sensors. Her ultimate aim is to build a scalable, textile-based, closed-loop human-machine interface. Luo’s research holds exciting potential to advance ground-breaking applications for smart textiles, health care, artificial and virtual reality, human-machine interactions, and robotics.

    Zanele Munyikwa is a PhD candidate whose research explores foundation models, a class of models that forms the basis of transformative general-purpose technologies (GPTs) such as GPT4. An Accenture Fellowship will enable Munyikwa to conduct research aimed at illuminating the current and potential impact of foundation models (including large language models) on work and tasks common to “high-skilled” knowledge workers in industries such as marketing, legal services, and medicine, in which foundation models are expected to have significant economic and social impacts. A primary goal of her project is to observe the impact of AI augmentation on tasks like copywriting and long-form writing. A second aim is to explore two primary ways that foundation models are driving the convergence of creative and technological industries, namely: reducing the cost of content generation and enabling the development of tools and platforms for education and training. Munyikwa’s work has important implications for the use of foundation models in many fields, from health care and education to legal services, business, and technology.

    Michelle Vaccaro is a PhD candidate in social engineering systems whose research explores human-AI collaboration with the goals of developing a deeper understanding of AI-based technologies (including ChatGPT and DALL-E), evaluating their performance and evolution, and steering their development toward societally beneficial applications, like climate change mitigation. An Accenture Fellowship will support Vaccaro’s current work toward two key objectives: identifying synergies between humans and AI-based software to help design human-AI systems that address persistent problems better than existing approaches; and investigating applications of human-AI collaboration for forecasting technological change, specifically for renewable energy technologies. By integrating the historically distinct domains of AI, systems engineering, and cognitive science with a wide range of industries, technical fields, and social applications, Vaccaro’s work has the potential to advance individual and collective productivity and creativity in all these areas.

    Chonghuan Wang is a PhD candidate in computational science and engineering whose research employs statistical learning, econometrics theory, and experimental design to create efficient, reliable, and sustainable field experiments in various domains. In his current work, Wang is applying statistical learning techniques such as online learning and bandit theory to test the effectiveness of new treatments, vaccinations, and health care interventions. With the support of an Accenture Fellowship, he will design experiments with the specific aim of understanding the trade-off between the loss of a patient’s welfare and the accuracy of estimating the treatment effect. The results of this research could help to save lives and contain disease outbreaks during pandemics like Covid-19. The benefits of enhanced experiment design and the collection of high-quality data extend well beyond health care; for example, these tools could help businesses optimize user engagement, test pricing impacts, and increase the usage of platforms and services. Wang’s research holds exciting potential to harness statistical learning, econometrics theory, and experimental design in support of strong businesses and the greater social good.

    Aaron Michael West Jr. is a PhD candidate whose research seeks to enhance our knowledge of human motor control and robotics. His work aims to advance rehabilitation technologies and prosthetic devices, as well as improve robot dexterity. His previous work has yielded valuable insights into the human ability to extract information solely from visual displays. Specifically, he demonstrated humans’ ability to estimate stiffness based solely on the visual observation of motion. These insights could advance the development of software applications with the same capability (e.g., using machine learning methods applied to video data) and may enable roboticists to develop enhanced motion control such that a robot’s intention is perceivable by humans. An Accenture Fellowship will enable West to continue this work, as well as new investigations into the functionality of the human hand to aid in the design of a prosthetic hand that better replicates human dexterity. By advancing understandings of human bio- and neuro-mechanics, West’s work has the potential to support major advances in robotics and rehabilitation technologies, with profound impacts on human health and well-being. More

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    Advancing social studies at MIT Sloan

    Around 2010, Facebook was a relatively small company with about 2,000 employees. So, when a PhD student named Dean Eckles showed up to serve an intership at the firm, he landed in a position with some real duties.

    Eckles essentially became the primary data scientist for the product manager who was overseeing the platform’s news feeds. That manager would pepper Eckles with questions. How exactly do people influence each other online? If Facebook tweaked its content-ranking algorithms, what would happen? What occurs when you show people more photos?

    As a doctoral candidate already studying social influence, Eckles was well-equipped to think about such questions, and being at Facebook gave him a lot of data to study them. 

    “If you show people more photos, they post more photos themselves,” Eckles says. “In turn, that affects the experience of all their friends. Plus they’re getting more likes and more comments. It affects everybody’s experience. But can you account for all of these compounding effects across the network?”

    Eckles, now an associate professor in the MIT Sloan School of Management and an affiliate faculty member of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, has made a career out of thinking carefully about that last question. Studying social networks allows Eckles to tackle significant questions involving, for example, the economic and political effects of social networks, the spread of misinformation, vaccine uptake during the Covid-19 crisis, and other aspects of the formation and shape of social networks. For instance, one study he co-authored this summer shows that people who either move between U.S. states, change high schools, or attend college out of state, wind up with more robust social networks, which are strongly associated with greater economic success.

    Eckles maintains another research channel focused on what scholars call “causal inference,” the methods and techniques that allow researchers to identify cause-and-effect connections in the world.

    “Learning about cause-and-effect relationships is core to so much science,” Eckles says. “In behavioral, social, economic, or biomedical science, it’s going to be hard. When you start thinking about humans, causality gets difficult. People do things strategically, and they’re electing into situations based on their own goals, so that complicates a lot of cause-and-effect relationships.”

    Eckles has now published dozens of papers in each of his different areas of work; for his research and teaching, Eckles received tenure from MIT last year.

    Five degrees and a job

    Eckles grew up in California, mostly near the Lake Tahoe area. He attended Stanford University as an undergraduate, arriving on campus in fall 2002 — and didn’t really leave for about a decade. Eckles has five degrees from Stanford. As an undergrad, he received a BA in philosophy and a BS in symbolic systems, an interdisciplinary major combining computer science, philosophy, psychology, and more. Eckles was set to attend Oxford University for graduate work in philosophy but changed his mind and stayed at Stanford for an MS in symbolic systems too. 

    “[Oxford] might have been a great experience, but I decided to focus more on the tech side of things,” he says.

    After receiving his first master’s degree, Eckles did take a year off from school and worked for Nokia, although the firm’s offices were adjacent to the Stanford campus and Eckles would sometimes stop and talk to faculty during the workday. Soon he was enrolled at Stanford again, this time earning his PhD in communication, in 2012, while receiving an MA in statistics the year before. His doctoral dissertation wound up being about peer influence in networks. PhD in hand, Eckles promptly headed back to Facebook, this time for three years as a full-time researcher.

     “They were really supportive of the work I was doing,” Eckles says.

    Still, Eckles remained interested in moving into academia, and joined the MIT faculty in 2017 with a position in MIT Sloan’s Marketing Group. The group consists of a set of scholars with far-ranging interests, from cognitive science to advertising to social network dynamics.

    “Our group reflects something deeper about the Sloan school and about MIT as well, an openness to doing things differently and not having to fit into narrowly defined tracks,” Eckles says.

    For that matter, MIT has many faculty in different domains who work on causal inference, and whose work Eckles quickly cites — including economists Victor Chernozhukov and Alberto Abadie, and Joshua Angrist, whose book “Mostly Harmless Econometrics” Eckles name-checks as an influence.

    “I’ve been fortunate in my career that causal inference turned out to be a hot area,” Eckles says. “But I think it’s hot for good reasons. People started to realize that, yes, causal inference is really important. There are economists, computer scientists, statisticians, and epidemiologists who are going to the same conferences and citing each other’s papers. There’s a lot happening.”

    How do networks form?

    These days, Eckles is interested in expanding the questions he works on. In the past, he has often studied existing social networks and looked at their effects. For instance: One study Eckles co-authored, examining the 2012 U.S. elections, found that get-out-the-vote messages work very well, especially when relayed via friends.

    That kind of study takes the existence of the network as a given, though. Another kind of research question is, as Eckles puts it, “How do social networks form and evolve? And what are the consequences of these network structures?” His recent study about social networks expanding as people move around and change schools is one example of research that digs into the core life experiences underlying social networks.

    “I’m excited about doing more on how these networks arise and what factors, including everything from personality to public transit, affect their formation,” Eckles says.

    Understanding more about how social networks form gets at key questions about social life and civic structure. Suppose research shows how some people develop and maintain beneficial connections in life; it’s possible that those insights could be applied to programs helping people in more disadvantaged situations realize some of the same opportunities.

    “We want to act on things,” Eckles says. “Sometimes people say, ‘We care about prediction.’ I would say, ‘We care about prediction under intervention.’ We want to predict what’s going to happen if we try different things.”

    Ultimately, Eckles reflects, “Trying to reason about the origins and maintenance of social networks, and the effects of networks, is interesting substantively and methodologically. Networks are super-high-dimensional objects, even just a single person’s network and all its connections. You have to summarize it, so for instance we talk about weak ties or strong ties, but do we have the correct description? There are fascinating questions that require development, and I’m eager to keep working on them.”   More

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    Supporting sustainability, digital health, and the future of work

    The MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative for Industry and Technology has selected three new research projects that will receive support from the initiative. The research projects aim to accelerate progress in meeting complex societal needs through new business convergence insights in technology and innovation.

    Established in MIT’s School of Engineering and now in its third year, the MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative is furthering its mission to bring together technological experts from across business and academia to share insights and learn from one another. Recently, Thomas W. Malone, the Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management, joined the initiative as its first-ever faculty lead. The research projects relate to three of the initiative’s key focus areas: sustainability, digital health, and the future of work.

    “The solutions these research teams are developing have the potential to have tremendous impact,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the School of Engineering and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “They embody the initiative’s focus on advancing data-driven research that addresses technology and industry convergence.”

    “The convergence of science and technology driven by advancements in generative AI, digital twins, quantum computing, and other technologies makes this an especially exciting time for Accenture and MIT to be undertaking this joint research,” says Kenneth Munie, senior managing director at Accenture Strategy, Life Sciences. “Our three new research projects focusing on sustainability, digital health, and the future of work have the potential to help guide and shape future innovations that will benefit the way we work and live.”

    The MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative charter project researchers are described below.

    Accelerating the journey to net zero with industrial clusters

    Jessika Trancik is a professor at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS). Trancik’s research examines the dynamic costs, performance, and environmental impacts of energy systems to inform climate policy and accelerate beneficial and equitable technology innovation. Trancik’s project aims to identify how industrial clusters can enable companies to derive greater value from decarbonization, potentially making companies more willing to invest in the clean energy transition.

    To meet the ambitious climate goals that have been set by countries around the world, rising greenhouse gas emissions trends must be rapidly reversed. Industrial clusters — geographically co-located or otherwise-aligned groups of companies representing one or more industries — account for a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions globally. With major energy consumers “clustered” in proximity, industrial clusters provide a potential platform to scale low-carbon solutions by enabling the aggregation of demand and the coordinated investment in physical energy supply infrastructure.

    In addition to Trancik, the research team working on this project will include Aliza Khurram, a postdoc in IDSS; Micah Ziegler, an IDSS research scientist; Melissa Stark, global energy transition services lead at Accenture; Laura Sanderfer, strategy consulting manager at Accenture; and Maria De Miguel, strategy senior analyst at Accenture.

    Eliminating childhood obesity

    Anette “Peko” Hosoi is the Neil and Jane Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical Engineering. A common theme in her work is the fundamental study of shape, kinematic, and rheological optimization of biological systems with applications to the emergent field of soft robotics. Her project will use both data from existing studies and synthetic data to create a return-on-investment (ROI) calculator for childhood obesity interventions so that companies can identify earlier returns on their investment beyond reduced health-care costs.

    Childhood obesity is too prevalent to be solved by a single company, industry, drug, application, or program. In addition to the physical and emotional impact on children, society bears a cost through excess health care spending, lost workforce productivity, poor school performance, and increased family trauma. Meaningful solutions require multiple organizations, representing different parts of society, working together with a common understanding of the problem, the economic benefits, and the return on investment. ROI is particularly difficult to defend for any single organization because investment and return can be separated by many years and involve asymmetric investments, returns, and allocation of risk. Hosoi’s project will consider the incentives for a particular entity to invest in programs in order to reduce childhood obesity.

    Hosoi will be joined by graduate students Pragya Neupane and Rachael Kha, both of IDSS, as well a team from Accenture that includes Kenneth Munie, senior managing director at Accenture Strategy, Life Sciences; Kaveh Safavi, senior managing director in Accenture Health Industry; and Elizabeth Naik, global health and public service research lead.

    Generating innovative organizational configurations and algorithms for dealing with the problem of post-pandemic employment

    Thomas Malone is the Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the founding director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence. His research focuses on how new organizations can be designed to take advantage of the possibilities provided by information technology. Malone will be joined in this project by John Horton, the Richard S. Leghorn (1939) Career Development Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, whose research focuses on the intersection of labor economics, market design, and information systems. Malone and Horton’s project will look to reshape the future of work with the help of lessons learned in the wake of the pandemic.

    The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major disrupter of work and employment, and it is not at all obvious how governments, businesses, and other organizations should manage the transition to a desirable state of employment as the pandemic recedes. Using natural language processing algorithms such as GPT-4, this project will look to identify new ways that companies can use AI to better match applicants to necessary jobs, create new types of jobs, assess skill training needed, and identify interventions to help include women and other groups whose employment was disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

    In addition to Malone and Horton, the research team will include Rob Laubacher, associate director and research scientist at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, and Kathleen Kennedy, executive director at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence and senior director at MIT Horizon. The team will also include Nitu Nivedita, managing director of artificial intelligence at Accenture, and Thomas Hancock, data science senior manager at Accenture. More

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    Making sense of all things data

    Data, and more specifically using data, is not a new concept, but it remains an elusive one. It comes with terms like “the internet of things” (IoT) and “the cloud,” and no matter how often those are explained, smart people can still be confused. And then there’s the amount of information available and the speed with which it comes in. Software is omnipresent. It’s in coffeemakers and watches, gathering data every second. The question becomes how to take all the new technology and take advantage of the potential insights and analytics. It’s not a small ask.

    “Putting our arms around what digital transformation is can be difficult to do,” says Abel Sanchez. But as the executive director and research director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center, that’s exactly what he does with his work in helping industries and executives shift their operations in order to make sense of their data and be able to use it to help their bottom lines.

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    Handling the pace

    Data can lead to making better business decisions. That’s not a new or surprising insight, but as Sanchez says, people still tend to work off of intuition. Part of the problem is that they don’t know what to do with their available data, and there’s usually plenty of available data. Part of that problem is that there’s so much information being produced from so many sources. As soon as a person wakes up and turns on their phone or starts their car, software is running. It’s coming in fast, but because it’s also complex, “it outperforms people,” he says.

    As an example with Uber, once a person clicks on the app for a ride, predictive models start firing at the rate of 1 million per second. It’s all in order to optimize the trip, taking into account factors such as school schedules, roadway conditions, traffic, and a driver’s availability. It’s helpful for the task, but it’s something that “no human would be able to do,” he says. 

    The solution requires a few components. One is a new way to store data. In the past, the classic was creating the “perfect library,” which was too structured. The response to that was to create a “data lake,” where all the information would go in and somehow people would make sense of it. “This also failed,” Sanchez says.

    Data storage needs to be re-imaged, in which a key element is greater accessibility. In most corporations, only 10-20 percent of employees have the access and technical skill to work with the data. The rest have to go through a centralized resource and get into a queue, an inefficient system. The goal, Sanchez says, is to democratize the information by going to a modern stack, which would convert what he calls “dormant data” into “active data.” The result? Better decisions could be made.

    The first, big step companies need to take is the will to make the change. Part of it is an investment of money, but it’s also an attitude shift. Corporations can have an embedded culture where things have always been done a certain way and deviating from that is resisted because it’s different. But when it comes to data, a new approach is needed. Managing and curating the information can no longer rest in the hands of one person with the institutional memory. It’s not possible. It’s also not practical because companies are losing out on efficiency and productivity, because with technology, “What use to take years to do, now you can do in days,” Sanchez says.

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    The new player

    The above exemplifies what’s been involved with coordinating data along four intertwined components: IoT, AI, the cloud, and security. The first two create the information, which then gets stored in the cloud, but it’s all for naught without robust security. But one relative newcomer has come into the picture. It’s blockchain technology, a term that is often said but still not fully understood, adding further to the confusion.

    Sanchez says that information has been handled and organized a certain way with the World Wide Web. Blockchain is an opportunity to be more nimble and productive by offering the chance to have an accepted identity, currency, and logic that works on a global scale. The holdup has always been that there’s never been any agreement on those three components on a global scale. It leads to people being shut out, inefficiency, and lost business.

    One example, Sanchez says, of blockchain’s potential is with hospitals. In the United States, they’re private and information has to be constantly integrated from doctors, insurance companies, labs, government regulators, and pharmaceutical companies. It leads to repeated steps to do something as simple as recognizing a patient’s identity, which often can’t be agreed upon. With blockchain, these various entities can create a consortium using open source code with no barriers of access, and it could quickly and easily identify a patient because it set up an agreement, and with it “remove that level of effort.” It’s an incremental step, but one which can be built upon that reduces cost and risk.

    Another example — “one of the best examples,” Sanchez says — is what was done in Indonesia. Most of the rice, corn, and wheat that comes from this area is produced from smallholder farms. For the people making loans, it’s expensive to understand the risk of cultivating these plots of land. Compounding that is that these farmers don’t have state-issued identities or credit records, so, “They don’t exist in the modern economic sense,” he says. They don’t have access to loans, and banks are losing out on potential good customers.

    With this project, blockchain allowed local people to gather information about the farms on their smartphones. Banks could acquire the information and compensate the people with tokens, thereby incentivizing the work. The bank would see the creditworthiness of the farms, and farmers could end up getting fair loans.

    In the end, it creates a beneficial circle for the banks, farmers, and community, but it also represents what can be done with digital transformation by allowing businesses to optimize their processes, make better decisions, and ultimately profit.

    “It’s a tremendous new platform,” Sanchez says. “This is the promise.” More

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    Statistics, operations research, and better algorithms

    In this day and age, many companies and institutions are not just data-driven, but data-intensive. Insurers, health providers, government agencies, and social media platforms are all heavily dependent on data-rich models and algorithms to identify the characteristics of the people who use them, and to nudge their behavior in various ways.

    That doesn’t mean organizations are always using optimal models, however. Determining efficient algorithms is a research area of its own — and one where Rahul Mazumder happens to be a leading expert.

    Mazumder, an associate professor in the MIT Sloan School of Management and an affiliate of the Operations Research Center, works both to expand the techniques of model-building and to refine models that apply to particular problems. His work pertains to a wealth of areas, including statistics and operations research, with applications in finance, health care, advertising, online recommendations, and more.

    “There is engineering involved, there is science involved, there is implementation involved, there is theory involved, it’s at the junction of various disciplines,” says Mazumder, who is also affiliated with the Center for Statistics and Data Science and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab.

    There is also a considerable amount of practical-minded judgment, logic, and common-sense decision-making at play, in order to bring the right techniques to bear on any individual task.

    “Statistics is about having data coming from a physical system, or computers, or humans, and you want to make sense of the data,” Mazumder says. “And you make sense of it by building models because that gives some pattern to a dataset. But of course, there is a lot of subjectivity in that. So, there is subjectivity in statistics, but also mathematical rigor.”

    Over roughly the last decade, Mazumder, often working with co-authors, has published about 40 peer-reviewed papers, won multiple academic awards, collaborated with major companies about their work, and helped advise graduate students. For his research and teaching, Mazumder was granted tenure by MIT last year.

    From deep roots to new tools

    Mazumder grew up in Kolkata, India, where his father was a professor at the Indian Statistical Institute and his mother was a schoolteacher. Mazumder received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from the Indian Statistical Institute as well, although without really focusing on the same areas as his father, whose work was in fluid mechanics.

    For his doctoral work, Mazumder attended Stanford University, where he earned his PhD in 2012. After a year as a postdoc at MIT’s Operations Research Center, he joined the faculty at Columbia University, then moved to MIT in 2015.

    While Mazumder’s work has many facets, his research portfolio does have notable central achievements. Mazumder has helped combine ideas from two branches of optimization to facilitate addressing computational problems in statistics. One of these branches, discrete optimization, uses discrete variables — integers — to find the best candidate among a finite set of options. This can relate to operational efficiency: What is the shortest route someone might take while making a designated set of stops? Convex optimization, on the other hand, encompasses an array of algorithms that can obtain the best solution for what Mazumder calls “nicely behaved” mathematical functions. They are typically applied to optimize continuous decisions in financial portfolio allocation and health care outcomes, among other things.

    In some recent papers, such as “Fast best subset selection: Coordinate descent and local combinatorial optimization algorithms,” co-authored with Hussein Hazimeh and published in Operations Research in 2020, and in “Sparse regression at scale: branch-and-bound rooted in first-order optimization,” co-authored with Hazimeh and A. Saab and published in Mathematical Programming in 2022, Mazumder has found ways to combine ideas from the two branches.

    “The tools and techniques we are using are new for the class of statistical problems because we are combining different developments in convex optimization and exploring that within discrete optimization,” Mazumder says.

    As new as these tools are, however, Mazumder likes working on techniques that “have old roots,” as he puts it. The two types of optimization methods were considered less separate in the 1950s or 1960s, he says, then grew apart.

    “I like to go back and see how things developed,” Mazumder says. “If I look back in history at [older] papers, it’s actually very fascinating. One thing was developed, another was developed, another was developed kind of independently, and after a while you see connections across them. If I go back, I see some parallels. And that actually helps in my thought process.”

    Predictions and parsimony

    Mazumder’s work is often aimed at simplifying the model or algorithm being applied to a problem. In some instances, bigger models would require enormous amounts of processing power, so simpler methods can provide equally good results while using fewer resources. In other cases — ranging from the finance and tech firms Mazumder has sometimes collaborated with — simpler models may work better by having fewer moving parts.

    “There is a notion of parsimony involved,” Mazumder says. Genomic studies aim to find particularly influential genes; similarly, tech giants may benefit from simpler models of consumer behavior, not more complex ones, when they are recommending a movie to you.

    Very often, Mazumder says, modeling “is a very large-scale prediction problem. But we don’t think all the features or attributes are going to be important. A small collection is going to be important. Why? Because if you think about movies, there are not really 20,000 different movies; there are genres of movies. If you look at individual users, there are hundreds of millions of users, but really they are grouped together into cliques. Can you capture the parsimony in a model?”

    One part of his career that does not lend itself to parsimony, Mazumder feels, is crediting others. In conversation he emphasizes how grateful he is to his mentors in academia, and how much of his work is developed in concert with collaborators and, in particular, his students at MIT. 

    “I really, really like working with my students,” Mazumder says. “I perceive my students as my colleagues. Some of these problems, I thought they could not be solved, but then we just made it work. Of course, no method is perfect. But the fact we can use ideas from different areas in optimization with very deep roots, to address problems of core statistics and machine learning interest, is very exciting.”

    Teaching and doing research at MIT, Mazumder says, allows him to push forward on difficult problems — while also being pushed along by the interest and work of others around him.

    “MIT is a very vibrant community,” Mazumder says. “The thing I find really fascinating is, people here are very driven. They want to make a change in whatever area they are working in. And I also feel motivated to do this.” More

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    Bringing the social and ethical responsibilities of computing to the forefront

    There has been a remarkable surge in the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to address a wide range of problems and challenges. While their adoption, particularly with the rise of AI, is reshaping nearly every industry sector, discipline, and area of research, such innovations often expose unexpected consequences that involve new norms, new expectations, and new rules and laws.

    To facilitate deeper understanding, the Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing (SERC), a cross-cutting initiative in the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, recently brought together social scientists and humanists with computer scientists, engineers, and other computing faculty for an exploration of the ways in which the broad applicability of algorithms and AI has presented both opportunities and challenges in many aspects of society.

    “The very nature of our reality is changing. AI has the ability to do things that until recently were solely the realm of human intelligence — things that can challenge our understanding of what it means to be human,” remarked Daniel Huttenlocher, dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, in his opening address at the inaugural SERC Symposium. “This poses philosophical, conceptual, and practical questions on a scale not experienced since the start of the Enlightenment. In the face of such profound change, we need new conceptual maps for navigating the change.”

    The symposium offered a glimpse into the vision and activities of SERC in both research and education. “We believe our responsibility with SERC is to educate and equip our students and enable our faculty to contribute to responsible technology development and deployment,” said Georgia Perakis, the William F. Pounds Professor of Management in the MIT Sloan School of Management, co-associate dean of SERC, and the lead organizer of the symposium. “We’re drawing from the many strengths and diversity of disciplines across MIT and beyond and bringing them together to gain multiple viewpoints.”

    Through a succession of panels and sessions, the symposium delved into a variety of topics related to the societal and ethical dimensions of computing. In addition, 37 undergraduate and graduate students from a range of majors, including urban studies and planning, political science, mathematics, biology, electrical engineering and computer science, and brain and cognitive sciences, participated in a poster session to exhibit their research in this space, covering such topics as quantum ethics, AI collusion in storage markets, computing waste, and empowering users on social platforms for better content credibility.

    Showcasing a diversity of work

    In three sessions devoted to themes of beneficent and fair computing, equitable and personalized health, and algorithms and humans, the SERC Symposium showcased work by 12 faculty members across these domains.

    One such project from a multidisciplinary team of archaeologists, architects, digital artists, and computational social scientists aimed to preserve endangered heritage sites in Afghanistan with digital twins. The project team produced highly detailed interrogable 3D models of the heritage sites, in addition to extended reality and virtual reality experiences, as learning resources for audiences that cannot access these sites.

    In a project for the United Network for Organ Sharing, researchers showed how they used applied analytics to optimize various facets of an organ allocation system in the United States that is currently undergoing a major overhaul in order to make it more efficient, equitable, and inclusive for different racial, age, and gender groups, among others.

    Another talk discussed an area that has not yet received adequate public attention: the broader implications for equity that biased sensor data holds for the next generation of models in computing and health care.

    A talk on bias in algorithms considered both human bias and algorithmic bias, and the potential for improving results by taking into account differences in the nature of the two kinds of bias.

    Other highlighted research included the interaction between online platforms and human psychology; a study on whether decision-makers make systemic prediction mistakes on the available information; and an illustration of how advanced analytics and computation can be leveraged to inform supply chain management, operations, and regulatory work in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

    Improving the algorithms of tomorrow

    “Algorithms are, without question, impacting every aspect of our lives,” said Asu Ozdaglar, deputy dean of academics for the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in kicking off a panel she moderated on the implications of data and algorithms.

    “Whether it’s in the context of social media, online commerce, automated tasks, and now a much wider range of creative interactions with the advent of generative AI tools and large language models, there’s little doubt that much more is to come,” Ozdaglar said. “While the promise is evident to all of us, there’s a lot to be concerned as well. This is very much time for imaginative thinking and careful deliberation to improve the algorithms of tomorrow.”

    Turning to the panel, Ozdaglar asked experts from computing, social science, and data science for insights on how to understand what is to come and shape it to enrich outcomes for the majority of humanity.

    Sarah Williams, associate professor of technology and urban planning at MIT, emphasized the critical importance of comprehending the process of how datasets are assembled, as data are the foundation for all models. She also stressed the need for research to address the potential implication of biases in algorithms that often find their way in through their creators and the data used in their development. “It’s up to us to think about our own ethical solutions to these problems,” she said. “Just as it’s important to progress with the technology, we need to start the field of looking at these questions of what biases are in the algorithms? What biases are in the data, or in that data’s journey?”

    Shifting focus to generative models and whether the development and use of these technologies should be regulated, the panelists — which also included MIT’s Srini Devadas, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, John Horton, professor of information technology, and Simon Johnson, professor of entrepreneurship — all concurred that regulating open-source algorithms, which are publicly accessible, would be difficult given that regulators are still catching up and struggling to even set guardrails for technology that is now 20 years old.

    Returning to the question of how to effectively regulate the use of these technologies, Johnson proposed a progressive corporate tax system as a potential solution. He recommends basing companies’ tax payments on their profits, especially for large corporations whose massive earnings go largely untaxed due to offshore banking. By doing so, Johnson said that this approach can serve as a regulatory mechanism that discourages companies from trying to “own the entire world” by imposing disincentives.

    The role of ethics in computing education

    As computing continues to advance with no signs of slowing down, it is critical to educate students to be intentional in the social impact of the technologies they will be developing and deploying into the world. But can one actually be taught such things? If so, how?

    Caspar Hare, professor of philosophy at MIT and co-associate dean of SERC, posed this looming question to faculty on a panel he moderated on the role of ethics in computing education. All experienced in teaching ethics and thinking about the social implications of computing, each panelist shared their perspective and approach.

    A strong advocate for the importance of learning from history, Eden Medina, associate professor of science, technology, and society at MIT, said that “often the way we frame computing is that everything is new. One of the things that I do in my teaching is look at how people have confronted these issues in the past and try to draw from them as a way to think about possible ways forward.” Medina regularly uses case studies in her classes and referred to a paper written by Yale University science historian Joanna Radin on the Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset that raised ethical issues on the history of that particular collection of data that many don’t consider as an example of how decisions around technology and data can grow out of very specific contexts.

    Milo Phillips-Brown, associate professor of philosophy at Oxford University, talked about the Ethical Computing Protocol that he co-created while he was a SERC postdoc at MIT. The protocol, a four-step approach to building technology responsibly, is designed to train computer science students to think in a better and more accurate way about the social implications of technology by breaking the process down into more manageable steps. “The basic approach that we take very much draws on the fields of value-sensitive design, responsible research and innovation, participatory design as guiding insights, and then is also fundamentally interdisciplinary,” he said.

    Fields such as biomedicine and law have an ethics ecosystem that distributes the function of ethical reasoning in these areas. Oversight and regulation are provided to guide front-line stakeholders and decision-makers when issues arise, as are training programs and access to interdisciplinary expertise that they can draw from. “In this space, we have none of that,” said John Basl, associate professor of philosophy at Northeastern University. “For current generations of computer scientists and other decision-makers, we’re actually making them do the ethical reasoning on their own.” Basl commented further that teaching core ethical reasoning skills across the curriculum, not just in philosophy classes, is essential, and that the goal shouldn’t be for every computer scientist be a professional ethicist, but for them to know enough of the landscape to be able to ask the right questions and seek out the relevant expertise and resources that exists.

    After the final session, interdisciplinary groups of faculty, students, and researchers engaged in animated discussions related to the issues covered throughout the day during a reception that marked the conclusion of the symposium. More

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    Success at the intersection of technology and finance

    Citadel founder and CEO Ken Griffin had some free advice for an at-capacity crowd of MIT students at the Wong Auditorium during a campus visit in April. “If you find yourself in a career where you’re not learning,” he told them, “it’s time to change jobs. In this world, if you’re not learning, you can find yourself irrelevant in the blink of an eye.”

    During a conversation with Bryan Landman ’11, senior quantitative research lead for Citadel’s Global Quantitative Strategies business, Griffin reflected on his career and offered predictions for the impact of technology on the finance sector. Citadel, which he launched in 1990, is now one of the world’s leading investment firms. Griffin also serves as non-executive chair of Citadel Securities, a market maker that is known as a key player in the modernization of markets and market structures.

    “We are excited to hear Ken share his perspective on how technology continues to shape the future of finance, including the emerging trends of quantum computing and AI,” said David Schmittlein, the John C Head III Dean and professor of marketing at MIT Sloan School of Management, who kicked off the program. The presentation was jointly sponsored by MIT Sloan, the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, the School of Engineering, MIT Career Advising and Professional Development, and Citadel Securities Campus Recruiting.

    The future, in Griffin’s view, “is all about the application of engineering, software, and mathematics to markets. Successful entrepreneurs are those who have the tools to solve the unsolved problems of that moment in time.” He launched Citadel only one year after graduating from college. “History so far has been kind to the vision I had back in the late ’80s,” he said.

    Griffin realized very early in his career “that you could use a personal computer and quantitative finance to price traded securities in a way that was much more advanced than you saw on your typical equity trading desk on Wall Street.” Both businesses, he told the audience, are ultimately driven by research. “That’s where we formulate the ideas, and trading is how we monetize that research.”

    It’s also why Citadel and Citadel Securities employ several hundred software engineers. “We have a huge investment today in using modern technology to power our decision-making and trading,” said Griffin.

    One example of Citadel’s application of technology and science is the firm’s hiring of a meteorological team to expand the weather analytics expertise within its commodities business. While power supply is relatively easy to map and analyze, predicting demand is much more difficult. Citadel’s weather team feeds forecast data obtained from supercomputers to its traders. “Wind and solar are huge commodities,” Griffin explained, noting that the days with highest demand in the power market are cloudy, cold days with no wind. When you can forecast those days better than the market as a whole, that’s where you can identify opportunities, he added.

    Pros and cons of machine learning

    Asking about the impact of new technology on their sector, Landman noted that both Citadel and Citadel Securities are already leveraging machine learning. “In the market-making business,” Griffin said, “you see a real application for machine learning because you have so much data to parametrize the models with. But when you get into longer time horizon problems, machine learning starts to break down.”

    Griffin noted that the data obtained through machine learning is most helpful for investments with short time horizons, such as in its quantitative strategies business. “In our fundamental equities business,” he said, “machine learning is not as helpful as you would want because the underlying systems are not stationary.”

    Griffin was emphatic that “there has been a moment in time where being a really good statistician or really understanding machine-learning models was sufficient to make money. That won’t be the case for much longer.” One of the guiding principles at Citadel, he and Landman agreed, was that machine learning and other methodologies should not be used blindly. Each analyst has to cite the underlying economic theory driving their argument on investment decisions. “If you understand the problem in a different way than people who are just using the statistical models,” he said, “you have a real chance for a competitive advantage.”

    ChatGPT and a seismic shift

    Asked if ChatGPT will change history, Griffin predicted that the rise of capabilities in large language models will transform a substantial number of white collar jobs. “With open AI for most routine commercial legal documents, ChatGPT will do a better job writing a lease than a young lawyer. This is the first time we are seeing traditionally white-collar jobs at risk due to technology, and that’s a sea change.”

    Griffin urged MIT students to work with the smartest people they can find, as he did: “The magic of Citadel has been a testament to the idea that by surrounding yourself with bright, ambitious people, you can accomplish something special. I went to great lengths to hire the brightest people I could find and gave them responsibility and trust early in their careers.”

    Even more critical to success is the willingness to advocate for oneself, Griffin said, using Gerald Beeson, Citadel’s chief operating officer, as an example. Beeson, who started as an intern at the firm, “consistently sought more responsibility and had the foresight to train his own successors.” Urging students to take ownership of their careers, Griffin advised: “Make it clear that you’re willing to take on more responsibility, and think about what the roadblocks will be.”

    When microphones were handed to the audience, students inquired what changes Griffin would like to see in the hedge fund industry, how Citadel assesses the risk and reward of potential projects, and whether hedge funds should give back to the open source community. Asked about the role that Citadel — and its CEO — should play in “the wider society,” Griffin spoke enthusiastically of his belief in participatory democracy. “We need better people on both sides of the aisle,” he said. “I encourage all my colleagues to be politically active. It’s unfortunate when firms shut down political dialogue; we actually embrace it.”

    Closing on an optimistic note, Griffin urged the students in the audience to go after success, declaring, “The world is always awash in challenge and its shortcomings, but no matter what anybody says, you live at the greatest moment in the history of the planet. Make the most of it.” More