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    Singapore and US sync up on AI governance and set up joint group

    <!–> Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images Singapore and the US have synced up their respective artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks to ease compliance and will continue to work together to drive “safe, trustworthy, and responsible” AI innovation.  Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) completed the joint mapping exercise […] More

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    What is the dark web? Here’s everything to know before you access it

    When the dark web is mentioned online, it is usually in tandem with criminal marketplaces and arrests made by law enforcement agencies. Drugs, weapons, and stolen IP and data are all hot businesses on the dark web, with terabytes of information on offer. Traders cash in on stolen credit card data dumps, initial access points to vulnerable systems, credentials, and intellectual property belonging to companies compromised during cyberattacks.However, the dark web has far more uses for organizations and individuals than what a small subset of criminals do under its umbrella.Also: The cheapest VPNs (that won’t slow down your connection)To access a dark web address, you must use a VPN and a suitable browser (it should be Tor). The aim is to reduce your online footprint as much as possible, anonymize your traffic, and disguise your location. There are many legitimate uses for dark web services and communication. For example, this can include tools hosted for combating censorship — critical services for individuals in countries with stringent government surveillance and control, as well as privacy-enhancing anonymous email and whistleblower drop boxes.Some media outlets also maintain an online presence via the dark web when their surface websites are blocked, and other websites do the same when they are banned at the ISP level by countries during periods of unrest. Also: How to use Tor browser (and why you should)Yes, the dark web has an unsavory reputation. However, remaining anonymous can be invaluable to protesters, civil rights groups, journalists, lawyers, and other vulnerable groups. Illegal marketplaces are merely a small fraction of what’s actually there. More

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    6 simple cybersecurity rules you can apply now

    <!–> We Are/Getty Images If you’re an IT pro or a serious PC hobbyist, computers are as logical as Mr. Spock. If you’re a human being without a technical background, the average Windows error message might as well be written in Klingon. For that latter audience, computer security often devolves into magical thinking. That’s unfortunate […] More

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    How to lock down your Microsoft account and guard it from attackers

    <!–> Gorgaiphotography/Getty Images What’s your most valuable online account, the one most deserving of protection? If you have a personal Microsoft account, that account should be among those you guard most jealously. That’s especially true if you use that account and its associated email address to sign in to one or more Windows PCs or […] More

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    How to use iPhone’s Security Keys feature to protect your Apple ID

    The process shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.Now that you’re done, make sure to store your keys in separate places (I have one in use and another as backup, but you might want one for home and another for the office, or whatever works for you).Also: The best VPNs for streaming your favorite shows and sportsDon’t keep both in the same place — such as on the same keyring. That way if you lose one, you’ll lose both. More

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    5 quick tips to strengthen your Android phone security today

    <!–> Getty Images/Kentaroo Tryman Attention, all Android phone users: keeping your phone secure is important, especially with the constant deluge of cybersecurity threats. A successful attack could allow an attacker to drain your bank account, steal your data, or pose as you for untold nefarious activities. With your identity stolen, there’s no end to what […] More

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    Linux might be your best bet for heightening your desktop computer security

    <!–> Morsa Images/Getty Images Cybersecurity matters – I’ve been espousing this hot take on Linux for a very long time. It seems, however, that the phrase “there’s no time like the present” is more apropos today than it has ever been. And given it’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s a great time to talk about desktop […] More