You can’t often control the flow of digital information, which can lead to your data being exposed online. Although you can and should lock down your individual accounts, sometimes you may feel compelled to take an extra step to improve your online security and privacy. By overhauling the online services you use and deleting anything you no longer want, you can take the first step in reducing your digital footprint.Also: How to delete yourself from internet search results and hide your identity onlineOld shopping accounts and social media profiles, mailing list subscriptions, and legacy online service accounts can clutter your email inboxes and, over time, become annoying or embarrassing. Those with ill intentions may link them together, increasing your risk of identity theft. Furthermore, they may try infiltrating one of these old accounts to impersonate you.However, overhauls can only go so far. Organizations that hold on to your data without cause may also need to be compelled to delete it. Rather than trying to track the details of each service online that holds onto your data, dedicated services shoulder this task for you. What’s the best service for deleting yourself from the internet right now?Based on our extensive research, ZDNET’s top pick for a service for deleting yourself from the internet is Incogni More