Maria Diaz/ZDNETExtension cords are generally a safe solution for running power to electronics that are too far from the nearest wall outlet. But the operative word here is “electronics,” which is not as all-encompassing as some people might think.Also: Bye bye, Wi-Fi: How to add a wired network to your home without running EthernetAppliances (like refrigerators and toaster ovens) are obviously electronic devices, but they’re in a different class from most electronics because of the amperage demands they need to function. Why you shouldn’t plug everything into an extension cordExtension cords are manufactured with a maximum capacity to handle electrical current, which is determined by the size or gauge of the wire used in the cord. For instance, a 16-gauge extension cord can handle a maximum of 13 amps, while a 14-gauge cord can handle up to 15 amps (or 1,800 watts), the same as a standard wall outlet in the U.S. When an appliance demands more power than the extension cord can handle, it results in an overload, which could lead to overheating. You really don’t want your cord’s insulation to melt, exposing the live wires and potentially sparking a fire.Any appliance requiring more than 1,800 watts should be on a dedicated circuit — never connected by an extension cord. And the following are seven household devices you’ll definitely want to connect directly to an outlet. More