An easier way to read Linux manual pages
Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNETA man page is a manual page dedicated to a specific command and every Linux distribution includes them. Say, for example, you wanted to learn about the chmod command. You could either run a Google search or read the man page. Man pages are set up the same way, so once you get used to the layout, you’ll have no trouble. Also: 5 ways to get the best Linux support, no matter your skill levelBut there’s always a way to make things a bit easier. With a nod to irony, some users would prefer to use a GUI to read about commands they’ll have to work with from within a terminal window. There were once some decent GUI apps for man pages (such as xman). Many of those GUIs have vanished from sight, but there are still tools that make it possible to view man pages within a GUI. Although the layout of the man pages doesn’t change within a GUI app, these apps make it possible to search through a man page for a string, so you don’t have to scroll to find what you’re looking for.Also: This Linux distro could let your old laptop ‘shine on’ after Windows 10’s sunsetI want to introduce you to two tools that could help you read man pages more easily: one for GNOME and one for Plasma Desktop. Each app is installed by default, so you can jump right into using them on your respective desktop.Let’s get into it. More