
More than half of Brazilians would change jobs if they could work remotely

Brazilians see remote working as a desirable feature of employment, but the ability to work from is not translating into greater access to job opportunities, according to research.

A study carried out with over 20,000 participants globally by software firm Salesforce has found that 53% of Brazilian workers would change jobs if it means they could work from home.

However, 87% are not seeing any change regarding job opportunities despite the increased uptake of remote working: the majority of respondents (71%) have said they see that format of work as restricted to only a parcel of the population. Unemployment in Brazil is currently affecting over 13 million people, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

Of the Brazilian workers who continued to come into a physical location to perform their duties, 57% of survey respondents believe they could operate from home if their employers provided the right tools to do so.

The majority of participants (75%) said companies should prioritize the training of their workforce and 77% have stated that technology will play a key role in that process.

When it comes to skills Brazilians perceive as important to retain or get a job, 96% cited socio-emotional capabilities such as adaptability and collaboration. In terms of technical skills, participants perceive as important for employers, areas often cited included data analytics (mentioned by 95% of respondents), software development (92%) and data science (91%).

A separate study, published in August by Brazilian business school Foundation Institute of Administration (FIA) has found that 139 companies of all sizes across Brazil has found that 46% of businesses have adopted remote working during the pandemic. Some 36% of the companies that adopted the home office approach are not planning to stick to it after the pandemic, while 34% plan to offer the option of remote working to up to 25% of their workforce and 29% will offer remote working to 50% of all staff.

Of all the companies that have gone remote, 67% struggled with technical aspects, particularly when it comes to staff familiarity with communication tools, cited by 34%, followed by difficulties around remote access to systems (34%) and getting hold of support staff to help with technology issues (28%).

Source: Networking -

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